Monday 31 May 2010

I'm Back???/

Yeah it has been a long time I know. I guess things didn't really improve for quite a while. The thing with the separated (married man) ended bad. No surprise I guess. Long story short. I held off for ages. I ended up being suckered in. I ended up being hurt. Typical really. As of this morning though he is going back to his wife. I got a txt last night saying he was deleting me off of Facebook. Pity he is not deleting the other girl he moved onto after me as well. But goes to show how much I meant to him. Thankfully I made the choice to get out when I did otherwise I probably would have hurt more than I did. And that was a lot!

So I guess the biggest thing is my new man. Even before the above mentioned guy I decided I wanted to do things differently next time. With him it was different because I already knew him. Well with this one, (P) boy is it different. I guess I have known him now nearly 2 months. We see each other every day and basically he stays here every night. Full on huh! He used to be a chef up until a couple of years ago so he has gotten into my kids hearts via food lol. They love it. Must admit so do I. I have done basically no cooking which those who know me will know that is my dream come true right there.

He spoils me like I have never known before. Which is taking some getting used to. I also don't really feel so totally insecure in the relationship. Which is also a first. That has never happened before. I guess that is because I see him so much. He met my mum and dad very early on because he wanted to. It is really and truly so different from anything I have experienced before. I do not know what I am going to do. There are no little red flags etc like there have been with other guys. He has always has had long term relationships as well. He hasn't dated many so that gives me hope as well.

He is getting me jewelry for my birthday. Which he has ordered already. I guess that is an indication that he wants to hang around.

Things with Shit for Brains is still bad. Patrick is going to high school next year. I have him booked into a private school near me. Which will send me broke. But I have told SFB that I will meet all the school costs but he is still refusing to allow the kids to go there. Saying they need to go to the high school near him. This school has such a bad reputation. He says it is so they can ride their bikes from his place and he does not have to pay OSCH fees! They are with him 4 days in a fortnight and only have 2 of those days at school. Yet the school is 30 minutes away from me. Get real.

Anyway before we can go to court we have to do mediation. So we each meet with the mediator separately then meet together. I have had my first thing but he hasn't contacted them yet. I initiated it all so he is going to stall as long as he can I am sure. It is such crap because he must realise that if we do go to court the judge is going to think he is crazy to pass the fact that he does not have to pay for the fees and yet his kids still go to a private school.

Work is ok I guess. No where as good as they used to be now that managers have all changed around. It is better than it was earlier this year. I no longer end up in tears on some days. It is only really one person that makes it sucky and there is not much I can do about it. I just hope things just continue to get better.

The kids are the kids. Patrick turns 13 next week and has the teenager attitude already. It sucks and I am at my wits end sometimes. Especially as Lachlan copies him. What can I do but keep plodding along.