Tuesday 9 February 2010

Shit for Brains

So yes this is the longest that I have left it without saying anything. And now it is to rant and rave about my dickhead ex husband.

So Sunday night I had mum and dad look after my kids overnight so I could go to a farewell drinks thing for a girl at work. I rarely get mum and dad to look after them unless it is because I am working.

The kids were at SFB last night. Of course once he found out that mum and dad looked after the kids it was on. He told the kids I was a skank etc etc. I got txt messages from the kids saying they never want to go to his house again.

I found out today that he was telling them that they were fucking twits and he didn't want to know them. That where I live is full of fat single mums. They can do what they like because they don't exist. He constantly swore at them and carried on.

Not sure what I am going to do. I will have to ring him tomorrow while he is at work and leave a message telling him that the kids don't want to see him or be with him at the moment.

Of course there is a downside to all of this. If I didn't have a life before, I really won't have one now. I am going to be dead. And that is a really selfish view I know but it is really hard to work 9 hours, come home and cook and clean and sort the kids, with no break. But the kids come first and I am going to have to suck it up. They can not be around shit like that, they just can't.

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