Monday 6 September 2010

Soooo long time no hear

I guess mainly because things are so busy with me. Work, kids, study and trying to have a life as well.

It would seem to be that I have met the one. He is now moved in and things are going ok. I say ok. He and I are good. Our lives are ok. lol. It is hard to explain. It has/is taking me a while to adjust to having someone live with me after 6 years of just me and the kids. It is taking time for him to adjust as well. Especially becoming step dad to three kids. I guess that is the biggest thing for us that we deal with on a day to day basis.

After being the only one for 6 years there are lots of things I have let slide with the kids. Otherwise I would just constantly be on them. I feel like that anyway. But the things that I have let slide are the things that get to P. Like the way the kids talk to me. I guess the respect thing. After a few humdingers of fights, it has been decided that I will deal with Patrick, the younger two P will wade in where needed. Things with Patrick are so hard. The whole teenage thing as well as having to deal with a shit dad. He has been suspended from school and in trouble a lot. P came into where it was at its worse and I guess we didn't totally agree so he has decided to back off. It has been a big learning curve for us all I guess.

P is great though. Albeit grumpy at times!! lol He just wants to look after me and for me to be happy. I love coming home to him. Knowing that he loves me. I have no doubt about that. It is great. I have had to review my way I think the whole relationship thing needs to be done sometimes though. But really no surprise there as I have always said I have had unreal expectations. I can't believe that just out of the blue though the one person I am going to spend my life with is here with me now!!

So to the other parts of my life. work is shit at the moment. Amazing how one person can impact so many people. In a negative way. But because I am the one who has to work so closely with her I am the one getting the shit mostly. I have spoken up about it though which in a way has made things worse but hopefully will settle soon.

Shit for brains is shit for brains. We had mediation last week. Wasn't that crap. It is just all about money for him. Even though I said I would pay for the private school he still would not agree. He wants me to forgo child support because he thinks that because I can send the kids to a private school then I don't need child support. As if I am letting him off of that. But yes it was all just about money and he will not agree to the private school. I am sending the kids there but he is not agreeing to it. In a way thank god for mediation. He can't just go back to court with this.

We also tried to talk about contact. I want it to be more flexible but he just wants it changed. We didn't get into this very far because all the earlier insults that he was throwing around I didn't react to but the mediators could see me getting upset when shit for brains started in saying that I was an unfit mum etc. There was no point going on then.

So much for no money though. Turns out he has preordered a PS3 game worth over $100 and he took the kids to the show. No I don't care about that apart from the fact he is crying poor to me. Piss off you dick.

So in a nutshell that is it really. I am still plodding along. Still having stresses. I just now have someone who thinks I am wonderful that I can take my stress out on. Which I do a lot. Poor guy cops me ranting sometimes. But hey he does it back when he needs to as well. Also means that I don't cook. I cooked tonight for the first time in months. Which surprisingly I didn't mind as much. Helps that I now have a dishwasher as well.

Ok well that is me done for now. No doubt it will be months before I get around to updating again.

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