Wednesday 9 July 2008

alternate therapy

Today I started using a IFAS high frequency machine on my foot. I am using it every hour for 20 minutes. Hopefully tomorrow I will start to feel the benefits. Karen's brother in law's dad (lol did you get that) owns a naturpathic or the like business. Karen's sister and her other half (the son) run it. Karen works there as well. Anywho, they hire out these machines. They used to sell them but they aren't allowed to any more. Long story. But they are supposed to be fantastic. You can use them for just about everything so I will see how I go. I figure it can't hurt and it isn't costing me anything as they have let me use it for nothing. They really rave about it and I know Karen uses hers all the time as well as her daughter. (same age as Patrick).

It is kinda freaky and a little scary. It is an old machine but they all look the same. But to see the frequency or whatever it is called in this class thing is just bizarre. Time will tell. Kathy told me that for tennis elbow it works really well for and my foot thing is liken to tennis elbow.

Started putting things on layby for xmas today. Got singstar, buzz and eye toy games for the kids. As well as a couple of things for Laura and a game for Lachlan. I wanted to get this hair thing for Laura which had a curling wand etc in it but they were sold out. As was the DS. But least with the DS that will come back on special.

Feeling a bit lonely tonight. A bit rejected I guess. Sick of waiting and wondering if that right man for me really exists. Same old same old I guess. What is new? If I am so wonderful and deserve happiness blah blah why hasn't it happened. Four yeas it has been now and really not one relationship during that time. There was C whom I met the Xmas of the year I split up with M. But really that wasn't going to go anywhere. Nothing since then. It is hard to continually think happy thoughts regarding all this when there is nothing. I can love myself all I want. I can be happy with my own company all I can but honestly it does get you down. People say think positive. But in reality do those people honestly know how hard it is to maintain those thoughts when reality is there isn't anything.......

Yeah I know, here she goes again, but I am good. I have enjoyed my break. I am glad though that tomorrow I am going with mum and dad to Gawler to see Kerry and finally get to see my new niece.

Off to bed for me. I haven't been sleeping very well the last few days. I think my body likes the routine of work. Even if my feet hate it. (I invested in $160 work shoes today so that should help. Rockports for those who are interested. I have heard good things about them. They are very comfy. I have been wearing them around the house, as I am not allowed to go barefoot.) So yes to bed and hopefully a nice nights sleep.


james said...

I am trying to locate the IFAS high frequency machine promoters.
Please help!

james said...

I am trying to locate the IFAS high frequency machine promoters.
Please help