Monday 30 April 2007

And it begins again

It is so nice to have normality back. Ie school holidays being over!! After having one week of the holidays with no kids and being able to go to the gym everyday to the next week only going twice, today was nice to be able to go again without kids!! It is amazing really how far I have come in regards to the gym. A year and a half ago my weights were between 15-20kgs. Now they range from 30kgs to 75kg!! In all the times of going to gyms I have never ever gotten into weights before. I love it. No thats not true. I like the results. I said to Karen today as we are sweating away on fit balls and weights in our hands "I hate this, I would so much rather be sitting at home watching tv eating chips and chocolate" Oh course she comes up with "Yeah and you would still be 86kg" yeah ok she has a point.

In regards to the gym I am in a sticky point again. Renewal is due end of May. No way I can get the money for a year so 6 months is the only option. Hopefully!! $279 I have to find. I don't really have a choice. I can't not go to the gym. Not if I want to keep my fitness up. I can feel a major guilt trip coming up with this as I end up paying for it but stressing that I shouldn't have and used the money for something else. Oh well it is only money right???

My little lachie James is so sweet. Apart from the fact he told me he hated me and wanted to kill me because I hadn't purchased ice blocks was very good when he got home. I think by the end of the week he is going to be one very tired little chook. He did however have a very good day. I am proud of my kids though. They are all so independent and I got complimented on that by Laura's first teacher. She can't believe Lachlan is at school already either. They are all good kids. I would be so lost with out them. (hehehe they are all in bed and asleep at the moment so it is easy to say that!)


Tracey said...

Kate I can't wait to get this audio book for you. There is quite an indepth part on money and how thinking you are broke is going to make you more broke

Penny said...

Is this book going to help me with my confidence!