Wednesday 2 May 2007

Things are funny

Well after freaking out about money this week I now find myself with $60!! Ok it isn't extra but it has helped. My isp was supposed to take their payment out yesterday and they didn't. I rang and told them this morning what had happened and that now they can't take it out until next Tuesday. Cos it was their stuff up that is fine. So although I don't really have extra money it just spread it around a bit better and I can breathe easier!!

We had tae kwon do last night. First night back after the holidays. I love Tuesday nights. Not many white and yellow belts go and it is mainly red and black belts. So the kids and I got really good training and it was just great. Very different to Wednesday where there feels like a 1001 kids and the class is huge. Well selfish me. Another white belt mother and her two kids are now coming on a Tuesday!! Lol I feel so jipped. Tuesdays were for my family lol!!! No fair! Still it was good and we have already started learning the next form. Patrick and I got our certificates for getting our yellow belts. We were talking to the instructor and he said that in 3.5 years I could be a black belt!! How freaky is that! I am also going to go on a Saturday morning now when I don't have the kids. Apparently they don't get many people going and it is mainly black belts! Sounds like it could be just made for me. And I don't have to worry about the kids. You know I can't believe how much I enjoy it. It is so weird. It isn't something I honestly thought I would enjoy. Perhaps it is the perverse pleasure of knowing that if Matt ever touches me again I am on my way to whoopping his butt!!

today I have a lovely day at home. The kids are in care after school because Patrick has soccer practice at 4.15. (when you live so far from school it is a pain!!) So I don't need to leave here until 4.30. I am currently doing my rent review for the co-op at the moment. As the rent for the 20 houses are worked out based on income every 6 months I request every one's income details and have to work out their new rent. It is fairly painless and I don't mind it so that is what I am doing today and then just relaxing!!

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