Thursday 14 February 2008


Chucked my first sickie. I am really sick though but still feel horribly guilty. I got a cold at 2.00pm on Tuesday. How silly is that. It came on so quick. It was weird. Dad has had it, all the kids have it. But there was no way I could cope with standing around all day dealing with customers with this head thing going on.

No wonder I get a cold though. This man yesterday pulled out his crusty yuk hanky along with his change. Now I am not that bad. I know money is gross but that is life and hey it builds up your immune system. But this got me. I had some sanitiser in my bag so I went out the back and grabbed it. I think I will be keeping it on the register all the time now.

Everything is just going along here. Nothing major about from just being busy. I have decided to go casual at the gym. It is not worth the membership for the amount I am going. I hate that but it is my life now and until they get a half decent gym down this way I will just go when I can. Of course with this cold I am not doing anything. Taekwondo is twice a week and I am going to start the competition training on a Thursday night as well so that should be good. My weight is good. Well not good but ok. I am back down to what I was before I started at Dan's so I am ok with that. I just need to get it lower. I see Greg on Monday and he is going to kill me so hopefully I will be over this cold by then.

Onto completely other matters. Sorry!! I didn't see any of it yesterday but I am putting it out there and saying I don't agree with it. I agree it was a terrible thing that happened but do we need a huge song and dance around saying sorry. I don't think so. It is like Laura hitting Lachlan and getting Patrick to say sorry. I understand that people need the government to recognise that wrongs were made. That is part of healing and moving on. But the massive hype over the word sorry just ticks me.

The other thing that pisses me off is the Mitsubishi thing. The plant has closed down here in Adelaide and the government is going to do all it can to help support and find jobs for the workers. I think that sucks. I mean prime example is my work. The store has not done so far as good as people thought and some floor staff have been laid off. Will they get help? I highly doubt it. Why does it have to only be when big companies go under that the government helps people. Should everyone deserve the same treatment??

Ok rant over!

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