Monday 30 June 2008

Pain in my butt....sorry no in my heel.

Plantar fascitis. That is what I have! Cool name hey??? I am so sick of my body rebelling against all my exercise. This is a pain in my heel. I have had it for a few months but it went away but flared up the other night again at taekwondo. Doesn't help I am standing all the time at work either in cheap crap shoes.

From what I have read it could take ages to heal. But I am trying the new stretching thing I found and hopefully that will help. Especially before getting out of bed in the morning. That is the worst. So I am pretty pissed off but glad I know what is wrong with my foot. I had x-rays a few months ago but that was mainly on my ankle. It has taken me a while to sort out where the pain is and what sets it off. So no more running around at taekwondo. Well to a minimum any way and no bouncing around on the balls of my feet. (that is what set it off on Tuesday)

I have grading on Wednesday then we don't have it for 2 weeks. I hope that is enough time for it to heal up a bit. I just have to keep remembering my calf muscle and what happened when I exercised to soon. I am just pissed though. I have got this fantastic treadmill and was just getting back into the jogging and now this. Geez!!! Fingers crossed this stretching thing does the trick.

Only 5 days of work to go and then I do not go back to work until the 18th! It is going to be so nice. Might help my foot as well!!

Kids are good. Did I mention that we are cutting out artificial colourings and flavouring with the kids? This is an attempt to help lachlan's behaviour. Seems to be helping. We have just stuck to that for the time being. It is to hard to do all the preservative stuff as well. I don't have enough time as it is without having to worry about that as well.

Thursday 26 June 2008

blah blah blah blah blah..........

Not much to say but no doubt I will fill it with crap.

Went to IKEA with mum and dad on Monday. Holy moly that shop is BAD!!!! I could spend so much money there. We had lunch there. I had the meatballs. Very yum. To the point that I brought some frozen ones and the sauce to take home. Yum Yum Yum lol. I also got Patrick a bedside cupboard. It was actually out of the office area. It just has three drawers. There were so many proper bedsides that I would have love to have gotten but they just weren't Patrick. This was and he is very happy with it. I also got a couple of other little things for myself and the other two but that would have been the main purchase.

I did however find lots that I would like to get. My furniture is such a miss match affair. So it is nice to know I can get some nice stuff fairly cheap. Oh and mum and dad got me a lamp for the lounge room. I have always wanted a lamp. I just need to get another globe. This one is to bright for my liking for a lamp.

Not much else is happening. I found out Tuesday that Laura and Patrick have something on at school tomorrow. Lucky work is great and I am only working 4 hours and then having the rest of the day off with annual leave to go to it. Such short notice but they were great.

My treadmill is great. I love it. I am slowly getting my jogging back up there. I am up to 13 minutes now. And that is just in a week, so pretty happy with myself. The only thing is Tuesday at Taekwondo something set my foot off again. It is all very weird my foot. I have had xrays but that was mainly on my ankle. Which is what I thought the problem was but although that is where the swelling occurs it is actually the bottom of my foot. I still haven't pin pointed what actually makes it hurt. It had settled down for so long but now it is back and is just aching all the time and I hope it goes away again soon.

We having grading again next week for Taekwondo. I am grading this time. I am freaking out already. It is so nerve racking having all these black belts watch you go through everything. Hopefully this time next week I will be a blue belt 2. Only one more after that and it is red belt. Pretty cool.

ok I am out of here. I am cold and tired. I couldn't be bothered putting the heater on. (did I mention that the reverse cycle heating does work here!!! I love it. But of course it eats power.) So off to bed where the electric blanket is on and my Elizabeth George novel awaits.

Monday 16 June 2008

Guilt trip.....

I am having 7 days of no work and no kids.....I will send you all a postcard from my little guilt trip. I am feeling very guilty about it. But very excited as well. I am having the first week of the school holidays off and all of the second week except for the last Friday and Saturday. I know I shouldn't feel guilty but I do. On the other hand I really really need a break from work and kids. I can't wait but the guilty is ever present and I am justify all the time. I have no plans other than to bum around home and do things here.

On to other exciting news. I am getting a treadmill. I am paying it off weekly with no interest and after 12 months I will own it. that is it there. I am getting it from a store near here, where G knows the owners. I was shown a few but after thinking about it and asking G he said the healthstream one. Mainly because they are Australian, good warranty and he knows the repair guys. I pick it up tomorrow. I am borrowing dad's trailer. Which is a pain as I have to drive it to work and then to pick the treadmill. But I am very excited about having this thing. Finally I can run again.

Everything else is going ok. Not much is happening. Did I mention G came over for tea last Monday? It was nice. We had chinese for dinner. Yum. We watched a couple of episodes of sex and the city. (I was frantically cramming before I saw the movie the next night) Then we had a game of chess on his new laptop and just looked up stuff for his new computer on mine!! It was a nice night.

That of course made me lonely but oh well that is my life isn't it.

Tuesday 10 June 2008

And now for some honesty

Yes I have been slack but I have been busy! My baby turned 11 Sunday. Funny how this has shocked me more than him turning 10. He wanted money. So I gave him $50 and mum and dad gave him $30. On the way to his party he spent it on 2 Ds games! Thanks to EB half price games!!

He had his party at tunz of fun which is like a games arcade thing. Who knows what you call it. All his friends had asked what he wanted and he said money. All of his friends gave him just that!! He got $95. He got another 2 games and a lava lamp! lol. Funny kid.

Patrick has also been classified in as a high achiever and is in the top 95% in the school. Not his class but his school!! They have a special program which involves a cluster of schools in this area. They meet once a week and do special programs. Dad went to the info session because the bad mum I am I went to the movies with the girls from work. So I am very proud of him and scared as well. We have always said he was to smart for his own good!!

So to the movies. We saw Sex and the City. It was good. I have never watched this show. Never even saw a little bit of it. So K from work has been letting me borrow her DVD's. I still have a few to watch!!

Had a shitty time with Shit for Brains yesterday. I can't be bothered going into it now but yet again I ended up at the police station. It is just bullshit and he is damaging his relationship with his kids he really his. Suffice to say he totally stuffed up by not reading the court order and was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He doesn't like to be wrong.

Work is good. I have my good and bad days. But I got told that I am shaping up to be a very good front end controller. Apparently there are not a lot around and they are very happy with me. This came out of the service manager (who sorts out staff) having a meeting with the store manager and the service manager telling the store manager the above. Does that make sense? Anyway it helped me get over the shitty day I had. There are just times when I don't want to be the main checkout operator. But I know we will get busy and my job will get bigger. Just time. In the mean time I do still love my job. I just have days where it is crap lol.

And the honesty part. Yeah I know I have put it off even until now. I am talking to J again. Not going into it all. I am tired and can't be bothered. It is still tumultuous but I am lonely. I am pathetic and desperate. Least he is someone to talk to and on the whole it is good. I don't know what is going to happen but at the moment I am happy for the company albeit it is over the phone. Just liken it to Carrie and Big.