Thursday 14 August 2008


I got the kids back Monday night. They had spent their weekend with him. Patrick says to me that night. Dad says you have to take me to the doc because I have bronchitis. He did have a really foul cough. The next day I take the day off work and yes Patrick has bronchitis and needs antibiotics and another day off school. Patrick informs me that he had been coughing like that since Saturday, Matt wouldn't take him to the doc because he couldn't afford the medication ($5) and didn't want to take the day off work on the Monday!! So I take the two days off work when if Matt had played dad instead of selfish git, I would have only had to take one day off!! So pissed off.

Then to top it all off, last night in their weekly phone call to their dad, he wants to talk to me. He wants time with Patrick one on one. This is over what the court order says!! WTF?? Yeah right as if that is going to happen. You could have had the Monday off with him dick wad!!! Not only that but Patrick does not want to spend more time with him!! Fucking wanking.

Lachlan has had these little sores on his back and a few on his arms. I just thought they were bites. I found though a couple in his hair and thought they looked a bit odd. He had an appointment tonight for a referral for his eyes so thought I would get it checked out. Chicken pox. Now you were all sitting there going "well duh that's what I would have thought" But would chicken pox be the first thing you think of when the mum of that child whilst pregnant with said child contracted chicken pox, then after birth had child immunised against chicken pox and then the child still gets chicken pox????? mmmm didn't think so. This is the second time he has had chicken pox! And he has been immunised against it! I think he is basically over it. Of course exposing everyone because I didn't really pay much attention. It is only a light case of it. They have all crusted over and I only really saw them when they were crusted over. That is the thing when your kids can dress themselves etc you don't see their bodies as much. I had noticed the few spots that were there but like I said just thought they were bites. Geez lol trust Lachlan.

I have a major headache. The co-op is causing problems again. To long and involved to go into it. It is only one person but that person is causing big problems and i don't even think the rest of the co-op even realise. Dad has been onto the governing body and they call it bullying. We have a meeting Sunday so I will be saying my piece there. The co-op won't like it but tough cookies. Meanwhile though I have a stress headache.

Talking of headaches. Cellfood. This is fantastic stuff. I am no longer taking vitamins. Just this stuff. It has made a world of difference to my general well being. Just Google it. It is there. There you go. I am so good to you all. lol

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