Sunday 10 August 2008

Ms Slacko strikes again

I know you are all waiting with bated breath to know what is happening with my life. lol. Not much and more of the same.

My foot is really getting me down. The other foot is going the same way. I think it is getting better but it is taking so long. As a result I am not exercising as I should and of course that in turn effects my eating. Which in turn effects my state of mind. Consequently I am feeling fairly crappy. I have little motivation to exercise and I need to find it again to get back into it again.

Work had been getting me down as well. Although I maybe front end controller, that is only in title only. I am just on register. Because we are not busy. I am the only one on apart from Fridays and Saturdays and then we are busy so that I have to stay on register anyway. I aspire more than just being a checkout chick. There are many factors surrounding all of this but in the end I spoke to Mark, my service manager. I told him I was thinking about getting another job because I wasn't happy. He wanted to know what I wanted to do. I said well ultimately trainee manager. He told me that you couldn't do that because of the hours. No more Saturday's off to see the kids play sports. (I swap a shift every few weeks to see the kids play soccer) and he basically gave me the impression I was only good for checkout and as I was single with 3 kids I couldn't do that job. I was left feeling very under valued and wanting to seriously go out and look for another job.

Yesterday I spoke to Brett. The store manager. He said that Mark is a bit immature and needs to be careful what he says. (he is only 26) So we spoke about my options and honestly there aren't many at the moment. Mainly because we just aren't that busy. I know that but I am still frustrated. I think Brett is worried that it if he takes me off register to do filling etc I would get sick of that as well but seriously. This point in So he did come up with an idea but not sure at the moment. He has to sort a few things out. It will involve me working later Friday and Saturdays. (starting later as well so that would be good for sports) And actually doing some front end controlling. Getting service 5's (change orders lol) and markdowns etc. All the stuff my title entails but I never do. So feel heaps better about my job again. I do love working there and the people but just need more sometimes.

My birthday was fairly crap. Mainly because I am so alone. No special guy wishing my happy birthday etc. All the usual. G did and then ask if he was the first one!! lol. He is odd sometimes the things he says to me. Really what difference does it make if he is the first one or not. He is all over the place with me and I don't' know sometimes just what his feelings are for me. I just pretend that he is a friend only and that is it. I see him at the gym once a week with a few txt and emails in between times. But then he throws in "was I the first to wish you happy birthday?" I don't get that. I also just feel alone. Karen was lovely and the girls at work are great but I don't get out. I don't do anything. The majority of my life is spent at home alone with no phone calls or anything. ho hum

Kids are good. Driving me insane but good. Patrick finally had his first claymation class Friday. I wish I had been there when he came out. Mum said he was smiling. That is a huge thing for him. He keeps such a closed lid on his feelings. (so like his dad) He has been having a hard time at work. He has had a relief teacher. He has been doing really easy work like learning how to tell the time and he is so past that. So after a few phone calls he finally got given some year 7 work and he cruised through that. Hopefully they will cotton on now that he needs to be challenged if they want him to behave in class. No way excuses his behaviour but geez give it a go.

I think that is it really. Still having trouble with the co-op but it is really only one person whom everyone else seems to listen to. Not worried about it really but it is still a pain in the bum.

Well that will do me. My house is a mess. I have a mountain of washing but I am going back to bed for a while to read my book.


Raina said...

it's good to see you posting again.

Greg's a funny one, isn't he?

Glad to hear the job's improving slightly - maybe you should be keeping your eye out for other opportunities though? You never know, something might come up that has a lot more opportunities for advancement for a smart chicky like you.

Just me and the three said...

oh I do not know about him Raina I really don't. I could be reading more into things with him. I just don't know. He has got so much shit happening at the moment that I am just going with the flow.

I have been sort of looking for another job but I like my hours and the location of this one. Will see how I go for a while.