Saturday 26 April 2008

Going where I haven't gone before.

So yesterday I went to the beach with Madame Violet (and yes that is the name on the papers lol.) and the kids. We met B down there. I didn't tell the kids that we were. I didn't even introduce him to them. It is a new thing for me. It took me nearly 3 years before G even met my kids!

It was nice. Uncomfortable at times because we were just standing around. But we chatted. I commented on the fact that he hasn't seen me wear nice clothes. He has seen me in my work uniform and then in my daggy gym clothes. (which is what I wore to the beach) He just laughed and said so I have seen you at your worst!!

The kids eventually turned feral, as kids are bound to do. So we started back to my car but stopped to watch some kite surfers. OMG those guys were amazing! Of course the kids wanted to play on the playground. I had said no but B started walking over to it so the kids took off. He and I ended up just sitting on this little wall and chatting. It was really nice. I feel comfortable around him. Like I don't have to pretend to be better than I am. He is a bit overweight so I don't worry so much about me being overweight. I really want to get to know him. Unlike when I went out with M last year, where I was going out with him to find out if I wanted to go out with him. With B I want to spend time with him.

I txt him when I got home last night. "so did my kids scare you away forever" His response "hell no! Gonna have to try harder than that" That made me melt.

So now we are looking at doing something next Friday night. The kids are back to their dad's and he doesn't have his daughter that night. He is going to think about what we will do but he mentioned going out for dinner. Sounds good to me and finally I can wear something that is not daggy or work related. I won't have my hair being whipped around my hair by the wind nor nice and proper like I wear for work!!

Found out a bit more about him yesterday though. He has been married once. Has a 14 year old son whom he doesn't see much of. (not his choice.) He has a daughter who is 6 from a different relationship. Ok this I knew. Not the intricate details but the basics. I found this out. The relationship with the mother of the daughter was only for 3 months. They split up, and he got a phone call saying we need to talk!!! She was pregnant. Don't know how I feel about that. But I know I won't be sleeping with him for quite a while!! I do however have this overwhelming desire for him to hug me! Lol I am such a sap.

Lets hope it works out because I hate the fact that I fall so hard and fast.

Moving on. I have a rotten cold. I woke up this morning feeling pretty crap and thought about calling in sick. But given yesterday was a holiday and I wasn't rostered onto work, (but still get paid for it! Got to love being on a contract) and tomorrow is the start of my two days off I thought I had better not. (add to that I would have had to go to the doc and I hate doing that) So I went to work and slowly died. At about 12 I said to Mark I need to go home. So I have spent the afternoon watching "It could happen to you" and "Peggy Sue got Married". I am drugged up with Codral. But still not feeling the best. Mum and dad will be back with the kids soon. Oh and here they are lol. Byeeeee

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's sounding positive Kate! Fingers crossed for you. Hope the cold clears up soon tho.