Tuesday 28 October 2008

The weekend........

Laura performed in the school choir on Friday at the Flueriu (and I can't spell) Folk Festival. It was all fairly boring and after the kids finished singing half the crowd, obviously parents lol, left. But they all did well and that was the highlight.

Worked Saturday as normal. It was busy yet again. I really hate working Saturdays but not much choice which sucks. I have tried to get out of it but as it is one of our busier days no chance of not working.

G had gotten in touch with me earlier in the week about catching up briefly Sunday, so off to Macs we go. Well that was a nightmare!! The kids were horrible. That really silly behaviour that I seemed powerless to stop unless I really went off at them. Which of course standing up, yelling and sending them to different corners of the place doesn't really work there!! G was great and got them doing little puzzles, like name the 10 parts of the body that only have 2 letters in them. Things like that. But I was devastated. No wonder he doesn't want a relationship with me. No wonder he doesn't see me very often. I wouldn't want to see me either!!

After that little trip to hell the kids and I went to Le cornu to look for a bed for Laura. Found a nice one. It has a chest of drawers, a book case and a slide out desk under it. Off to IKEA after that. We had lunch there which was very yum and the kids enjoyed it as well. Didn't find a huge amount there that I wanted. I little cupboard to go by my front door. Then Lachlan can have the desk. I did get a notice board thing which is lovely to hang up. I also got some delicious smelling candles.

After that we called into Harbour Town but that was pretty boring. didn't stay there long.

So when I get my Ruddy money, I will be buying furniture. I need a new entertainment unit but didn't find one so will have to go else where for that. But am really pleased about finding a bed for Laura. Can't wait to get it now lol.

Tuesday 21 October 2008

Old school friends.

Not old as in old age but friends from a long time ago. Which I guess would make us old lol.

S was a year younger than me. He was in my brother's classes. And we were really really good friends. Just got along really well. I went to a small school hence the fact that we shared some classes etc. We also worked at Foodland together. We hooked up once for some fumbling around in my car. But that was it. Of course I got together with Shit for brains. Left school and with basically all of my friends I lost contact.

Due to facebook we have caught up again. It is weird. During the middle of typing this we were chatting on facebook. A few days ago he had given me his phone number. Tonight he rang me. OMG We chatted for nearly 2 hours. He has a partner of nearly 10 years and a couple of kids. And it was just like there had not been a break of over 15 years of not seeing one another!! Still great friends who can talk about everything. It is just bizarre!!!

So he is off to QLD in a couple of weeks for a holiday but when he comes back we are going to catch up. Should be good. Sounds like I will like his partner as well!

I also have a date in a couple of weeks. Have I mentioned that? He lives miles away. That sucks. I told him I wasn't really interested in someone who lived far away but he was quite persuasive but without being pushing so we are meeting. Chatting on the phone before then though. Bit excited.

Also remember that guy who shitted me around a while ago. I met him very briefly and then we made a time to meet properly and he cancelled on me at the last minute. (lol geez does that sound familiar?) and then did it again. But in the mean time there was not a lot of contact? Well he has contacted me again on the dating site. I asked him if he realised who I was and he said yes. That is about as far as we have got! Weird.

Why is it I can never feel I can trust a man again? Even if on the outside I maybe fine sometimes there are just little niggley "what if's". Time I guess and finding the right guy.

ho hum

Monday 20 October 2008

Bored bored bored

I can not believe how bored I was yesterday. I did a bit of study but that is boring as well. Administrative Law is no fun let me tell you. I was not motivated to do anything but perhaps I should have so I wouldn't have been so bloody bored!

G popped up on Facebook Friday. First time I have spoken to him since giving him his pressies! He was telling me about his date for Saturday night. I wasn't really in the mood to hear about it but I was the good friend and listened lol. Turns out I have met her parents. It was when G and I went to Victor and we ran into them when we were out to dinner. But good on him. Least now he has the time to date.He has regular hours and can do regular things.

He is loving his new job. He is still in training mode and is getting top of the class marks. Smart arse. Not humble is my G that is for sure lol. So he mentioned getting together for a coffee (read hot chocolate) next week. I told him I would have the kids. His response "so". So I am pleased that he got in touch. I don't want to lose his friendship. Geez I only have him and Karen. But my self esteem is so shot that I just think that really he doesn't want to know me and was just seeing me at the gym because he felt obligated to and I was the one who always suggested meeting. (aside from the occasional sex which was both of us lol) So it has made me feel better that he is making the effort.

Not much else to say really. Weight is going down. I am not even being that great but obviously better than I was!! Also my foot has been really bad again so no exercise apart from starting back at taekwondo again this week.

Work is going well. I still have crap days but I would get them where ever I am. I was telephoning people the other day to say they hadn't gotten a job with us and some loser went off at me. Nice. Still been telephone interviewing people. They are all just so young. Was I ever like that? I am sure I was but they just have no clue!

Anyway off to have my hair done again today! I don't think I mentioned that my hair is growing that fast I am now at the hairdressers every 3 weeks!! Once for a full colour and the second for a half touch up. Mainly the front as that is the most obvious. Luckily that week it only cost $20 so I am cool with it. Trust me not to have normal growing hair!! I always seem to be so different from the rest of the population.

Monday 13 October 2008

Diets, exercise and weight loss

You know I have been fairly lucky when it has come to weight. Up until I had my kids I never ever worried about my weight. I don't even know how much I weighed.I was also never huge on the exercise then either. Occasionally but not a huge amount. Although having said that I am sure I went to the gym. Geez I can't even remember lol.

After I had Laura I joined weight watchers. The first "diet" I had ever been on.I did really well and I can't remember again what i weighed but I got to the point I was tucking my shirt into my pants. Now that speaks volumes.

After I had Lachlan, actually during my time I was pregnant with Lachlan things changed. I was massive. That continued right up until I left shit for brains. Then I was at my heaviest. Now between now and then I have tried a few diets, namely weight watchers (albeit at home, not attending meetings), tony Ferguson and celebrity slim. None have worked. I didn't have the motivation to do ww. And tony worked but I put it all back on once I started eating again. I also found it very very hard to keep up the diet as I like food and drinking my food just didn't do it for me.

So where am I going with this? Who knows really but..... There is a girl at work. 26, one child who is 16 months. She was certainly not obese and she looked good but she has been on a diet. I am not sure what it is but boy it is strict and I know she has paid money for it. She has been on it for months now and has lost just about all the weight she needs to and boy does she look good. She is also motivating me to loss some weight. However I worry that she will put it all back on again once she starts eating again. She has been amazing on this diet. No slip ups nothing. She has had no junk food of the slightest, no chocolate. Nothing to drink but water. I see her lunch and all it is for example is lettuce, mushroom, cucumber and cheese. And all in a very small portion! I don't know how she has stayed on it but she has and good on her.

For me I know that would not work. I would cave after one day! However, I know that eating reasonably well within calories. (without me really counting) It works. Energy in and energy out. It just makes sense. It is still not easy but geez it has to be easier than what this other girl has done. No having said that I know that this does not work for everyone. But if this does not work would those diets work? I don't have those answers. I guess I just know that this works for me.

This week I have made an effort. I am back on the eating better band wagon. I have cut back the amount I eat for breakfast. This is a massive thing for me. I have generally just cut back on portion sizes and not eating after dinner if I am not hungry. I have also cut down on how much food I take to work. I used to worry about getting hungry but now I know how much I can take and not get hungry if that makes sense. I haven't exercised a huge amount because of my foot. I also had some chocolate. (a flake and it was yum) And a few other "bad" things. I lost a kilo this week. Why is something so easy so hard???? This kilo has motivated me to be even more careful with listening to my body and actually acting on what I hearing rather than what my mind tells me. Lol I know what I mean.

Who knows what this waffle is about. But I know G will be pleased to know that he has taught me things. It is a just as simple as energy in and energy out for me. Cutting back (back not out) on crap and not eating unless I am hungry and stopping when I am no longer hungry.

Fingers crossed this time I will make it. I mean I don't have a huge amount to lose so surely when I know it works for me I can do it.