Monday 20 October 2008

Bored bored bored

I can not believe how bored I was yesterday. I did a bit of study but that is boring as well. Administrative Law is no fun let me tell you. I was not motivated to do anything but perhaps I should have so I wouldn't have been so bloody bored!

G popped up on Facebook Friday. First time I have spoken to him since giving him his pressies! He was telling me about his date for Saturday night. I wasn't really in the mood to hear about it but I was the good friend and listened lol. Turns out I have met her parents. It was when G and I went to Victor and we ran into them when we were out to dinner. But good on him. Least now he has the time to date.He has regular hours and can do regular things.

He is loving his new job. He is still in training mode and is getting top of the class marks. Smart arse. Not humble is my G that is for sure lol. So he mentioned getting together for a coffee (read hot chocolate) next week. I told him I would have the kids. His response "so". So I am pleased that he got in touch. I don't want to lose his friendship. Geez I only have him and Karen. But my self esteem is so shot that I just think that really he doesn't want to know me and was just seeing me at the gym because he felt obligated to and I was the one who always suggested meeting. (aside from the occasional sex which was both of us lol) So it has made me feel better that he is making the effort.

Not much else to say really. Weight is going down. I am not even being that great but obviously better than I was!! Also my foot has been really bad again so no exercise apart from starting back at taekwondo again this week.

Work is going well. I still have crap days but I would get them where ever I am. I was telephoning people the other day to say they hadn't gotten a job with us and some loser went off at me. Nice. Still been telephone interviewing people. They are all just so young. Was I ever like that? I am sure I was but they just have no clue!

Anyway off to have my hair done again today! I don't think I mentioned that my hair is growing that fast I am now at the hairdressers every 3 weeks!! Once for a full colour and the second for a half touch up. Mainly the front as that is the most obvious. Luckily that week it only cost $20 so I am cool with it. Trust me not to have normal growing hair!! I always seem to be so different from the rest of the population.

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