Saturday 24 January 2009


Not much happening here today. I had big plans because the weather is lovely and the rest of the week it is disgustingly hot but I feel blah. I am down and just generally not feeling myself.

I spoke to D a while ago just to find out if he wanted to come to Karen's on Monday, he isn't and it doesn't look like I am seeing him this weekend. This shouldn't bother me but in a way it does because I love spending time with him and as I feel down I know he would cheer me up. Not much I can do about it. I don't know when I will see him again and I will leave it up to him. I won't ring or anything, just leave him be.

I saw him yesterday when he came into work. He was very excited about moving into a house. He was going to share with this woman he knows. He was so excited. Seems it has fallen through and he can't really afford it by himself. So he is thinking about looking for someone else to share with him. Me being so insecure doesn't like it but that is my own problem. I think today with my head feeling crappy and feeling a bit ill, I am just down.

Tomorrow I am catching up with an old friend. The kids all ended up going to different schools so we lost contact but got in contact again through D, who went to school with her. Monday we are going to Karen's which I am looking forward to. Was just going to be just us but it has turned into a Australia Day gathering. That is fine. I get on so well with her family.

My weight loss is going well at the moment. Finally hit the 73's today. I have been on the treadmill this morning. (although given how I feel now I am regretting that move) I also went on it a couple of times during the week as well. Jogging again for 15 minutes which I am pleased with. So not seeing D for a bit will let me lose a bit more weight hopefully. I am on optifast now. So fingers crossed I can get into the 60's soon. D is great when it comes to saying such nice things about it. The support I get from him helps so much. No one else says a thing about it. Which sucks but it is the norm for me.

Well I am going to have a lie down and read my book. Hopefully later I will feel a bit better and get some of the planned stuff done.

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