Monday 2 February 2009

Partying with the young ones

Saturday night I went to a girl from works house for drinks with a few others from work. The majority of these people are in their early 20's so I was the oldest by a few years.

Every time we have had drinks on other occasions I have not been able to drink due to driving etc, so they were all very keen to see me drunk. Which I did. lol.

It was a great night. I didn't disgrace myself. Ok I talked to much but hey that isn't that bad. I have discovered though I don't like jager bombs. Talk about gross. But all in all it was a good night.

Not much else is happening. D is still all over the place. Some days he gives me hope for us and other days he pulls right back. We are best friends and that is good though. He told me last night that he is looking to go overseas in May. I am very excited for him as this is something massive that he needs to do. I said to him the other day he has all these things he needs to do but at the moment he has to sit around and just wait. (few other things happening that i won't go into) Once this os trip is done things will be different for him. He is also not going to be gone for as long as he originally thought and I love that.

We do have something special between us. (he told me it is like a magnet that always draws him here) I only hope that when he comes back from os that he is ready for to think about a relationship. That his head is screwed on a bit more.

Everything is still fresh to him though. He said he loves that we are not in a relationship as we don't fight. If we were in a relationship then we would fight. That says to me that all his marriage crap is still there on the surface. So makes things clearer for me, to really see why he is not ready to commit yet.

I do really like him and could easily surrender my heart totally to him. But honestly if it never happens I have the best friend anyone could ever want.

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