Saturday 17 January 2009

Naughty bad blogger...... 17th Jan 2009

Look how long it has been. I need to update more. Because then I don't sit here and think I don't have time for this but really need to lol.

So what has been happening? More of the same I guess. Xmas and new year D and I spent a hell of a lot of time together.Things have settle down a bit now though. With him constantly telling me that we are just friends. But we are having a good time together. I poked him in the chest the other day and said I am getting in there and his response was yes I think you are. You are working your way in there. That was nice to hear. Occasionally I get upset with stuff with him. But I do know he likes me and it is just a waiting game. I keep saying the same things over and over I know. But that is what is happening.

We spent New Years at Karen's and that was a lovely night. They met D. Karen is reserving her judgement of him though until she meets him without the booze involved lol but so far so good she says!

Last weekend D drove the kids and I onto the beach. It was a lovely night. Photos on facebook for those who have that. The kids had such a great time. It makes it so much better to be able to drive the car onto the beach. Otherwise Patrick and I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much. I know that. He is very much like me in that respect with the heat and the beach. The kids like D as well. D is a bit chuffed with that. We were talking the other night about the kids, as he saw them with Matt and they saw him. Interesting to hear what Matt said about that. But anyway. D made the note that Patrick is very comfortable around him and D said to let Patrick do the stuff like putting seaweed on D's head etc. He also said that even if we are not together in a relationship he is not letting the guys past him to Laura unless he ok's it. I laughed at that one.

Work is very interesting at the moment. Ann-Marie is on call for jury duty. All this week she has been getting a txt message at four saying if she is needed or not. Finally on Friday she got the call up for Monday. So I am in the office on Monday which I am pleased about.

The other good thing (there is a down side though) I am going to be doing Ann-Marie's job at the end of Feb as she is leaving. (that is the down side) I am so excited. No more working on the weekends. 8-4 everyday. Patrick is not happy about going into OSCH every morning but there isn't much I can do about it. There are more good things about this job than bad and I can't knock it back just because he doesn't want to go to OSCH. It means I will be level 4. And full time. No longer on register. Well that is actually debatable. Mark has a problem I think with me doing this job. Ah Mark just has a problem with me full stop. He isn't going to treat me with the same respect that he does with Anne-Marie and that ticks me. Ann-Marie and I have talked about it though and I have a plan of attack. And honestly Ian the store manager knows how much I butt heads with Mark so I can just talk to him if it gets out of hand. Hopefully it won't though.

My poor poor car got written off from the accident in Nov. Written off means they put in a report saying it is written off. It is uninsured and I have to wait for them to send me the money. Which means I don't have a car. So D bless him said he would lend me the money until I get the insurance money. So I brought a new car last Friday. The body is not as good as my old one but it is 2 years younger and it is on gas. It does seem to drive ok and really I am happy with it. I just loved my old car.

And that is about it really I am losing weight again since losing the 7 kilos before Xmas. D commented on it the other night when I wore a pair of jeans that I have not worn for years. He then commented on it to 2 other people. It is nice but embarrassing as well having him draw their attention to it.

Right I now better go and clean my house before I get the kids back today. My nana is actually dying. Her kidneys amongst other things have packed up and not much they can do for her. I saw her Monday and she looked great but I want to take the kids to see her before she does start going down hill. It sucks you know life cruises on ok for me lately but then something like this happens. I think I am shutting a huge amount out because I haven't really thought about it but now sitting here typing about it I am near tears. I guess years of keeping things hidden and in their little boxes I am a pro at it. Lol Poor D is going to have a nut case on his hands when I do deal with it. Did I saw he met nana? When we were coming back from Wallaroo I found out (long story) she was in hospital. I got upset and D said come on lets go and see her. So so very nice of him.

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