Sunday 28 December 2008

I'mmmm Baaaackkk 28th December 2008

I am back after my break away to Wallaroo with D. It was such a lovely time away. So relaxing, literally doing nothing. It was great. Honestly I can't be bothered going to much into it but it was just nice. Yeah it was in a tent and it was a pain but for two nights it was ok. I got badly sun burnt even though I tried to avoid it but oh well.

Things are still the same with D. He just dropped me back home and he stayed for a while and we chatted. Cleared a few things up. He really doesn't want to commit to me, or anyone for that matter. He said that he wants to take the opportunity to have sex with someone else if it comes up etc. Nice isn't it but that isn't what it is all about but he wants me to know that. I can see that if he jumped into a relationship with me now it wouldn't be right for him. I am fine with that. I will be upset if he has sex with someone else but I know that is the sort of crap he needs to sort out. He may never be ready but he may be ready soon or maybe in a year. I am content with what we have. He knows that. He is not off with anyone else. He will tell me if he does. I know that. So while things are like they are I am ok. If/when he sleeps with someone then I will deal with what I do then.

As he said today we are doing stuff like we are in a relationship and that worries him. But he keeps doing it. There were a few other things that we sorted out that are personal and have no desire to go through them here but it is all good.

I am happy. Things could be better but they could be worse. I will take each day as it comes and honestly at the moment I will hold on to the fact that D does really like me and I think he will come one day to the conclusion that he does want a relationship. Maybe la la land but for now it will do.

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