Sunday 8 March 2009

And the roller coaster goes up and down......

When will D wake up and realise is all I have to say really. Lol well no I have more to say than that.

Friday night I went out with a friend for her 42nd Birthday. There were 8 of us. I didn't really know most of them. (Although as well as the birthday girl 2 others knew D when he was growing up!!) We went out for dinner and then went to a club. Where basically everyone was in there 40's plus. It was a good night but I left reasonably early as I just wasn't into the old men staring and also my mind was else where.

That else where was D having yet another date. A date that went so well he ended back at her house. He didn't stay the night and didn't sleep with her. I don't know if they locked tongues or not. I don't think so but I am not game to ask. So I spent the night worrying about that.

The next morning I txt him about these two other women I met who knew him and he called me. We spoke briefly about his date. Mainly because although I wanted to know I skimmed over it. But she is 40 with 3 kids who are older. (20's) One is gay and D was chatting to him about stuff that night apparently. She used to teach gymnastics so she has a lovely toned body. (yeah just what I needed to hear.) But had an old face with the make up caked on. Now he has a thing for faces so I know that ultimately he won't be attracted to that. So that was good to know.

He invited the kids and I to come and watch his eldest play soccer. So we went and did that Saturday. Was a nice time. His mum was there as well as his son's girlfriend. So we watched and chatted. Found out that the date has asked D to go to the Hyatt with her tonight. She was staying there and invited him. He told me about it and said he really has no interest in going. Nice to hear.

Today I was taking the kids to a wildlife park and invited D along with his young son. His mum and step dad came along as well. It was a great day. The kids were so well behaved. Everyone got on really well. Afterwards we went and got fish and chips. D's parents took the kids to wait at the park while D and I got lunch so that gave us some time. Then while the kids played in a playground his parents went and got coffee. Alone time again. It was nice. He comment on how it is nice to do this with the kids but we will have more alone time again. We need to do more of this etc etc.

Later on we went to D's house to check out his new plasma. It is massive!!!! So we have made plans for Saturday when we don't have kids. He is cooking me a roast. We are having wine, cheese, dips etc and watching a movie on it. Can't wait.

I also informed him I have a date tomorrow. D is off to the races. (public holiday here) I drop the kids off at 3. I am not that keen on the date. This guy is quite serious. I have actually put a time frame on the date as I need an end date. I shouldn't be doing this as really my heart isn't in it and this guy is really serious about finding someone. He is a widower and that bothers me a bit as well. Oh well it won't kill me I guess and hopefully it will make D think abit, which is the added bonus. That is not why I made the date but I won't be making anymore with other guys. I am really regretting saying yes to this guy now.

I of course will let you know how it all goes.

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