Tuesday 24 March 2009

Just an update

Life is just ticking along really. I am really really tired and haven't been taekwondo for ages. Mainly because it is so hard finishing work at 4. By the time I get home it is near 4.30. That is if I haven't had to stop along the way to get stuff or something. Then cook tea, blah blah blah. I am just finding it hard. Next week I start a new roster. I am on register for 3 hours 3 days a week. But I am starting at 7 each day and finishing at 3. That should help me get some down time between finishing work and dealing with the home stuff.

D is good. Things are still not exactly where I would like them but he just rang me to say that he brought new pillows! lol. We spend a huge amount of time together and I love that. Last night I was around there for dinner. We then went to glenelg for ice cream and hot chocolate. We went for a walk and it was a lovely night. We then came home and watched a movie on his big tv. The night before he had spent at my place. He is coming over Thursday night and I will cook for him. Saturday night we are finally having the roast dinner that he has been planning for a long time. So funny, when he first told me about it I said I will have to see if I have the kids that weekend. He said no you haven't I checked lol.

We have booked a room in town for middle of April. We are staying there and having a night on the town and spending the day in town the next day. Going to the botanical gardens and the museum etc. I can't wait.

The most exciting thing is going to happen this weekend though. I am meeting someone that I have known for quite a few years now but never met. We get on really well I consider her a very good friend. She is coming to Adelaide. I can't wait to meet and just sit and chat!!

I am typing all this on my new laptop. I love it. I am still getting used to Vista and making this computer my own like the desktop is. But I will get there. I brought mum and dad one as well. Bit disappointed with that actually. I got them the laptop, the wireless router and went around and sorted it for them and I got no thankyou or anything. It sucks considering I spend my life it feels saying thankyou to them for looking after my kids and that. They don't even have them that much really. I just wish there was some acknowledgement.

Not much else is happening. My weight is still the same. Only because I don't stop feeding my face. I really want to fit into my little black dress for our night away so I am going to have to do something about it. Starting tomorrow. I will do it.

ok off to bed for me. I slept so well at D's last night but for some reason am really tired. I have not been having my cell food as I should and I think that is the main reason.

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