Wednesday 4 March 2009

More realisations

The kids has swimming last night. Which involves the younger two and myself having an hour to kill while Patrick has squads. So I went and did the shopping and then went to wash the car. (because it was forecast to rain). When I finished washing the car there were two missed calls from D. He was at my place.

He ended up waiting for me which is so nice. I had had a really long day. I had started work at 7 and basically had not stopped until we got home from swimming. He had brought with him a bottle of Jacks. So once the kids were in bed it went down. There is only a tiny bit left. I can't believe we drank that much. More to the point I can't believe I woke up this morning without feeling like I had anything to drink.

Anyway like we do we spent the evening chatting. Being silly etc. And I found out that yes I was right in that he is just seeing himself as free until he comes back from his trip. He can do what he likes when he likes but when he comes back things will change. And I think he is really including me in that. He has made this comment before and I think it is a good point. We may not have even met for another year in which he would have done all this "free" stuff. I would have had to accept that that was in his past etc. Get what I am saying??? I like that I am here for all this. He has changed so much. And I can see he is considering settling down soon. I like to think it is with me. Funny though he had two other offers to go out last night but he chose to wait in my drive way for me. He told me how much he enjoyed Sunday. How much he enjoys my company. I love it. The things he says....just make me feel so worth while. Never before has anyone make me feel like this.

Onto other topics. Like nits. Geez. The kids got nits for the first time last year. SO I have been lucky. This year though I am struggling to get rid of the suckers. I think mainly because someone in the classrooms is not dealing with it. It is to the point now I need to do it every day. I kill the live ones and then any eggs I do happen to miss hatch and they lay more eggs. This cycle seems to go every day. So I figure I just kill the live ones everyday. Keep on top of the eggs and by the end of the week I may just get there.

It has been raining here since yesterday. It is so nice. D woke up this morning and said isn't it nice to have that breeze making the room so cool. And he is so right. It has been so hot here during the last month for once it is nice to decide to shut windows because it is to cold.

Patrick has been in trouble at school. I don't really know the full story. His new teacher is very very young and I think she is trying to get control before she loses control over the class. So any little thing and she is on them. But having said that I have no doubts he is being a little shit. Apparently him and some other boys have to report to the front office in the morning to sign stuff on how they are going to behave. I am ticked that I have only just been told of this and in the morning Dad is going with Patrick to see what is really going on and help Patrick get his side of the story across. I don't need this. There always has to be something. Without fail.

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