Friday 31 July 2009

So much but not much

So really where to begin. How about with how slack I am??? I am shocking I really am. I know I should update etc but then I think I can't be bothered typing it all out. But here I am.

Ok so a month or so ago I tried weed for the first time ever in my whole entire life. A got some from his house mate and I tried it in a pipe. I was so disappointed. Nothing happened. Now the whole idea was for me to be able to experience it so I could say yes I had tried it.

So last Friday I had cookies. We were going out for a work mates birthday. I do not know why I thought to have it before going out. (yes you can see where this is going) Perhaps I thought well it didn't effect me before so no worries this time. Or I just wasn't thinking. I was feeling a bit down about going out. (more on that shortly) A said we have the cookies do you want one. So I said yes. It was my night to have a few to drink. A was driving and he is drinking this weekend. So I was going to get a bit drunk for the first time in ages. Anyway he bags up two cookies for me. Did I mention I was starving? Well I was. So I start munching into this cookie. I finish it before we leave the house. A hasn't paid that much attention as we were shifting cars etc and I finished it while in my car without him. So he just thought I had it in my bag.

We go to pick up Kate and I start on the second one. Which looks like a squashed muffin. It was quite a big one. At this point A says eat them slowly. So our definitions of slowly are different I found out. I just thought he meant don't eat it like you would a normal biscuit. So I slowed down. I finished both cookies in half hour. Found out later that was bad.

We get to the pub and all is cool We are all chatting etc and then they start paying me out that my eyes are glassy etc. But I am still not feeling anything. Thinking woo hoo that was fun...not! Then maybe 10 minutes later (hour after I first ate them) it hit me. I leaned over to Kate and said ok I can feel it now. It was horrible. I grabbed A and said you look after me!! I was so scared that I would have a reaction to it etc. It is really hard to describe what the feeling was like. Like I was drunk I guess but worse. I didn't feel sick. I remember everything and I was aware of what I was doing. But it was weird. Bad weird. I did get the giggles for about 5 minutes and that cracked everyone up. Then we were talking about Kate's drink. Which was very yellow and very lemony! Thankfully no one picked up on it but I couldn't find the word lemon and was using yellow instead. It was at that point that I thought I am not saying or doing anything. I was so scared I would do something wrong. So I just went all quite. At one point Jason came over to talk to me and kept saying why aren't you this quiet at work blah blah. I just didn't want to talk. I just giggled a bit.

We got a meal because I hoped that would help. It didn't. I managed half of it. We were home by 9.15. It was horrible driving home. My neck felt all funny and I thought I was having a bad reaction. I really wanted to close my eyes but if I did I felt woozy. We finally got home and A just put me to bed. He got me a bucket but looking back I was no where close to throwing up. He kept checking on me every 10 minutes or so. I found out later when he got home he rang a friend of his who apparently smokes at least once a week and asked if she had tried the cookies. She had. She only had half and high. So he kept an eye on me. I was fighting off a bit of a cold at the time as well and had taken 2 cold and flu tablets that were really strong but made me drowsy. I had taken two earlier in the day but they really knocked me around so when I was due to take more I only took one but that was about 5 hours before I had the cookies.

It took until about 8pm the next day before I felt normal again. It was weird. I woke up ok. Hungry, but ok. But still just strange. Not normal. So yeah there is my experience with dope. Not one I want to repeat again anytime soon. A said would I try again with just him at home. I may do that but not for a while. A thinks that I am just so sensitive to stuff that that made it worse. Probably true. I am a cheap drunk. Sensitive to medical drugs. So who knows. He was great though really looked after me. And I didn't really cop any flack from work either so that was good. Least I have tried it now.

So that night was a bit blah anyway. Not going to go into it to much but you know how some girls just get all ditzy and do the fake laughs and the boys fall over themselves with their tongues hanging out? Well that is what it was like. A and I were really the oldest ones there and it was really painful. All the boys just go gaga over this girl, and although she is a lovely girl watching her that night was like having nails running down a blackboard. I have never seen her that bad before and it was not good. The best thing though? A didn't like it either. He didn't fall under whatever spell she has with guys. And for that I was truly grateful.

Kate approved of A. We drove her home when we left as well. She had had enough as well. In fact most of them at work think A is a good guy.

Ok I am going to make use of this day and do some washing now. I will continue this with Part two of the update later today I promise.

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