Saturday 11 July 2009


So after being here for over a week A has gone home. I am not as bad as I thought I would be. I thought I would really miss him but give me a couple of days!! He was going to go home tomorrow but really needed to get some shit done so went home today instead.

It has been a great week. lol I was just sitting here trying to think what we did last Saturday night but it was nothing!! Friday night he didn't get here till late and we stayed up and watched movies. Then we finally climbed into bed at about 3.30. I left the light on as we were talking. Nice d and m talk lol. Finally A looked at the time and said we may as well stay up and just go out for breakfast. So we talked some more. And slept a little bit. I think we got to Glenelg at about 11.30 and had a yummy breakfast. I then talked A into going to Baskin and Robbins for icecream. He wasn't going to have any due to the fact that he had just had bacon and eggs and the like. Me?..... well...... I have no such thought. If i am in Glenelg I am having icecream. Once we got there and he saw the selection he caved and had some. Lol poor guy though he felt so sick afterwards cos he was so full.

The rest of the week was filled with DVD's and each other's company. We watched the Hurricane. A movie we had both seen when it first came out. I really liked it. That night he came home with the book for me. So so sweet. On Thursday night we went out to Fasta Pasta for dinner and went and saw the Proposal. Both of us really liked it. I love the fact A likes chick flicks.

A has also been cooking quite a bit for me which I of course love. Last night was the best. Silverside. The kids were back for this and they loved it as well. Although the younger two did the whole vegetables yuk thing, of course.

Today we went off to Marion to Intencity. It was a bit boring but the kids had fun. We dropped A off on the way home.

So how was living with him for a week? Thankfully he had mainly day shifts. I was always home before him though. We both still did our own thing when were both home. Me reading my book etc while he watched tv. It was funny though he was watching Merlin and I was in the bedroom reading. In the ads he came looking for me because he missed me. Of course all of this will wear off. And this week away from each other will hopefully be a good thing in absence makes the heart grow fonder. He also needs time to see his friends a bit. He sort of dropped of the friends planet for a week lol and only living on planet Kate.

Anyway my aim this week will be to get over my little insecurities. He really likes me and he said he is falling in love with me. I need to remember that and not worry about any other thoughts that go through my head. I don't understand why those negative thoughts go through my head I really don't. But I refuse to let them in anymore.

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