Monday 30 June 2008

Pain in my butt....sorry no in my heel.

Plantar fascitis. That is what I have! Cool name hey??? I am so sick of my body rebelling against all my exercise. This is a pain in my heel. I have had it for a few months but it went away but flared up the other night again at taekwondo. Doesn't help I am standing all the time at work either in cheap crap shoes.

From what I have read it could take ages to heal. But I am trying the new stretching thing I found and hopefully that will help. Especially before getting out of bed in the morning. That is the worst. So I am pretty pissed off but glad I know what is wrong with my foot. I had x-rays a few months ago but that was mainly on my ankle. It has taken me a while to sort out where the pain is and what sets it off. So no more running around at taekwondo. Well to a minimum any way and no bouncing around on the balls of my feet. (that is what set it off on Tuesday)

I have grading on Wednesday then we don't have it for 2 weeks. I hope that is enough time for it to heal up a bit. I just have to keep remembering my calf muscle and what happened when I exercised to soon. I am just pissed though. I have got this fantastic treadmill and was just getting back into the jogging and now this. Geez!!! Fingers crossed this stretching thing does the trick.

Only 5 days of work to go and then I do not go back to work until the 18th! It is going to be so nice. Might help my foot as well!!

Kids are good. Did I mention that we are cutting out artificial colourings and flavouring with the kids? This is an attempt to help lachlan's behaviour. Seems to be helping. We have just stuck to that for the time being. It is to hard to do all the preservative stuff as well. I don't have enough time as it is without having to worry about that as well.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

Kate, chad had that planter thing when he wasa kid and the stretching really did help with it.