Sunday 31 August 2008


There has been heaps of advertising for on the tv for the last week or so. So I decided to give it a go. It is free and usually free sites are crap. Not that really the paid ones are any better.

Now I am picky. I would like to find a guy that lives reasonably close to me. I have been on RSVP on and off for the last 4 years. I met G off another free site. (that was crap) And all as you know to no avail. If the guys aren't wankers then they live miles away.

This site seems to hold all the single men in my suburb. Seriously I am blown away by how many there are here. So it seems I am talking to guys again. And really I hate it. The whole sussing each other out. The whole is he who is says he is, etc etc. I know I have to get through all that to get to a point like I am with G and like I was with J. But shit it is hard. I don't like putting it all out there in case I am not comfortable with them a bit later on. Does that make sense? I guess that is part of my nature, not wanting to hurt anyone. I don't want this guy to get to into me in case I decide that he is not who I want to spend time with. Arghhhh, I whinge I have no one but then complain when I start talking to one.

Well I will keep you informed......

On a different note....I have now found out what it is like to be without water. A water main burst today and the town was without water for 6 hours. Mum and dad were lucky and had at least a trickle of water coming out of the taps. I had nothing. No shower, no dishes done, no washing out the animal bowls and as we only drink water we were very close to having to go down the shop to get water for drinking!! Laura had a friend over and we were rationing the water!

Those claymations of Patrick??? He got a virus on his USB stick from the school! Luckily for me it went on mum and dad's computer first. Not good for them as they had to fork out the money to get it fixed. All is good now though. They are doing a 3 minute animation now. About 2000 pictures. Had to be an environment based, so they are doing it on the whaling. As Karen said there had to be killing.

Faylie had her kittens. We didn't know for a long time if she was pregnant or not but about the start of August we though yeah she is. Last Saturday she was very vocal and trying to nest in my bed and in my dirty close basket. Before I went to work I shut all the doors. When I finished work I went to mum and dad's to get Violet. I told them about Faylie and said when is she due. Dad said not until the 10th ish. They both told me that they start nesting ages before they have the kittens. We then joked that she would have had them on my lounge which at that time was covered in clean clothes that were yet to be put away. Yep you guessed it.....I got home and found her on the couch with 3 kittens and then her trying to eat a fourth dead one. I was not happy.

Eventually I got hold of dad and they came and got her and the babies. My lounge also got cleaned during the week. SoI am feeling better about it but honestly at the time I was so not happy and really hated having to deal with her trying to eat that kitten.

Getting my hair coloured tomorrow. The first time ever I am having my hair professionally coloured. Excited and scary at the same time!

1 comment:

aussiejane said...

Hi Kate!!!! I had Plantar Fasciitis years ago, and had cortisone injections, Yep, they hurt, and I had 3 at once, but I have not hd any trouble since! (It took 2 days to get over the injections though!!!)
Anyhow, just wanted to pop over and say hello, and let you know i am thinking of you!