Friday 12 September 2008

Procrastination is a wonderful thing.........

I have been really slack with my study over the last few weeks. Well maybe not slack but just want to do nothing when I get home or have time off so haven't been as diligent as I should be. So the consequence of that is I am frantically trying to get assignments done in a very short space of time.

The house is a massive mess and if I don't start folding some clothes they are really going to take over my house. And yet here I am on the computer!! I did however have a deal with someone though lol.

A fair bit has been happening around here so be prepared for a long one..... Work is going ok. Did I mention we have a new store manager? He seems ok. I have already spoken to him that I want more out of my job and he assures me that will happen. I did however find out today that I am been promoted to level 3. Nothing much changes with that. Means a little bit more money. Not a huge amount and Centrelink will probably take more away than I have gotten from work but oh well.

The kids had this Wednesday off school for the Royal Adelaide Show so I thought we would actually go. I took Thursday off work as well so that I didn't have to get the kids up so early after such a full on day. So Monday night I am awoken to Patrick vomiting. Nothing like cleaning vomit up in the middle of the night. So I called in sick Tuesday from work. Patrick although very off colour managed not to be sick again. Thank heavens as he is a typical man when he is sick. Pathetic. By the end of the day he was feeling much better.

So Wednesday we headed off at the crack of dawn to beat the traffic and pay our $25 to park in a private car park. Expensive yes but the walk after the show back to the car kills me. I hate it with a passion so I thought stuff it I am paying the money. I had prepaid the entry tickets about a month ago and brought ride tickets a couple of weeks ago. So only needed money for sideshows and food.

We got there before it opened and when we finally got in we got a locker and away we went. I had forewarned the kids I would not put up with crap and they were great. Lachlan got horrid towards the end wanting show bags but hey he is still only little really. We walked around the arty crafty stuff early because it was easy with so few people. We did the police stand and the kids got their photos taken on the bike. No wait. We walked passed it later in the day and the line up was massive.

Karen, Simon and her sister and hubby ended up going that day as well so not long after we got there they arrived as well. We met up so the kids could do the rides early. Patrick ended up going with Karen so he could go on the rides with Amy and I took the other two to the kiddy rides. Of course they were in different sections. The kids had a great time. Prepaying the ride tickets was such a moneysaver!! I wish I could have seen more of Patrick on the rides but that is life and it was much easier doing it this way. None of the "when is it my turn?" etc.

I am not a ride person so I just watch. I don't pay to throw up. After we ran out of tickets we met up again so I could take Patrick and we went out separate ways. We just walked around looking at things. Buying yummy chocolate etc. I brought lunch with us. So we stopped for that. So much cheaper doing it that way. Just mini quiches and donuts.

We ended up at the grandstand at about 4. The kids were worn out by then. Karen and co met us there an hour or so later. And we stayed in the grandstand until after the fireworks. Lachlan was pretty hyped up by this point with all the crap he had been eating. He ended up sitting next to Karen and has he adores Karen he settled down after that.

The weather was great except near the end when it rained a bit. It was blowing towards us, so even though it was under cover we got a little wet but nothing major. We had our blankets so it was all ok. We had hot chips for tea. Poor Patrick though, after that he had to have a couple of quick trips to the loo. Least it wasn't vomit though.

The finally at 9.30 we left!! It was a great day and what made it better this year was although we went though a mass of money it was ok. I mean I am sure there are heaps of other things I could have spent that money on but it didn't absolutely kill me to spend it all at the show! It is a nice, albeit hard feeling to explain.

Talking of money, I finally had my hair professionally coloured the other week. The ends are still really really dark from all my years of doing my hair myself but I am happy with the colour. Just a brown but least it is a bit more even now. I am happy with it.

Oh back to the show, this was the first year that I have not had sore feet afterwards. Today my foot was a little bit aching but I have not been zapping it with the machine as much as I should so it is my own fault. That machine has been so great. I am thankful to Kathy and Karen for the use of that for as long as I like. I would love to buy one but they are about $4000 new!

Also an update on the cellfood...... Buy it people. Best thing for me. I no longer have that tired feeling. No more vitamins etc. No more energy drinks. (I am sure I wouldn't need coffee if I did drink it lol) I take cell food shots if I need an extra boost. (a drop of cellfood in the cap filled with water!) Anywho...I can't rave enough about it. I will not go off it now if I can help it. I can tell if I haven't had it for that day.

Yes I am still lonely as well. It was hard at the show at times, especially seeing Karen and Simon and Kathy and Shane. All these couple everywhere and just me walking around with my three kids. It would have been nice to share it with my own special someone. *huge, massive sigh*

Ok I really should go and tidy something. It is a bit, though, of where to start. Pointless of trying to get the kids to help. A whole other long involved story that I can't be bothered with. So off to slave.

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