Monday 29 September 2008

Isn't it amazing?????

How exercise can make you feel so much better? Well it does for me anyway. It has been a week I guess since I started getting into it again. It has been hard though because it has flared my foot up again so I went 3 days with no exercise. So of course my eating slipped as well but I will get there. I think I need to just slow it down. I started running again and got massive shin splints again. So today I just walked for 35 minutes. (while watching True Lies) and that was ok. Not perfect but not so much agonising pain. So that is always a good thing!

Met G yesterday at the shops for a coffee. (in reality he had a cherry ripe muffin and I had a strawberry smoothie) We then ventured off to JB HiFi and Myers. He only had an hour as he had somewhere else to go to. It was mainly so I could give him his birthday pressie. I got him a bottle of wine called the Musician which is a cab sav, shiraz blend and the new Metalica Album. I love giving presents and I was not disappointed with his response. So that was good. Of course now I have no idea when I will see him again. I am not making any move to contact him now. I have done enough of that. If he does want to see me really again he knows where to find me. (I should mention that any friends on facebook who read this and actually know who G is. He is one of my friends and he finally has a photo. 2 even. Although they are fairly crap ones. Least you can see whom I have been raving about for so long!)

He is loving his new job and he has only been there a week and it is only training so far! So in that aspect I am so very happy for him. Hopefully he has found what he has been looking for!

Not much else to report really. Pretty boring as per normal. No kids as it is school holidays. Back to work tomorrow. Which I think is a good thing as I will just indulge myself in a trip to pity town otherwise.

Ok off to have breakfast finally then some study. hang out some washing and mop the floors. Lol never ends really does it?

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