Friday 7 November 2008

After the excitement has died down.......

The last few days have been an absolute shit. I was described as foul by one of the girls at work. And that probably sums it up really. I have been really really down.

The reason.....after all that happened with D I lost it. How could I have read the signs so wrong??? How could I feel I get along with someone so well and be so wrong? If he didn't feel some sort of nice feelings surely he would have ditched me after dinner, after the walk, after the sitting on the grass???? I was devastated no so much by what he said but by the fact I had read everything wrong. How can I trust me feelings let alone someone elses? So basically I fell down a big hole.

Last night I get a txt from one of the girls at work. Something about a woman from a school wanting a proforma for some yellow bubbles blah blah. Then near the end of the txt there is a bit saying did you get a phone call from a guy? Someone was in asking for you. He has your phone number already. So after a few txt back and forwards I am convinced it was D. In the morning I txt him and yeah it was. The girls thought he was lovely, smelt nice and attractive lol. So do I.

That cheered me up. But what killed me further today was I look up from serving someone and who is standing next in line to be served but D. Smiling away at me. Looking all smart arseish!!! Luckily we weren't that busy at that point so I conned him into buying an wine he hadnt seen before. (on top of the wine he had already picked out. That he had already brought a bottle of last night!!) We chatted very quickly and then we was out of there.

Funny bit was when Sara (Karen's niece who works at Dan's now) said yeah he looked ok I guess for an older guy!!)

At lunch I looked at my phone and he had rung me. It was before I had seen him but I thought what the heck I will phone him. So I did and we had a good 10 minute chat I guess on the phone. Made me smile and laugh so it was all good.

So from this I get the following....he is certainly interested in keeping in touch. That I like. I am planning on playing it down now. We are making plans for a Monday catch up. But he isn't sure yet. He said he will get in touch so I will let him. I am so glad he made that effort to come into work. He certainly didn't have to but by doing so it has helped me see that he does want to be friends and he wasn't just saying it.

I am starting to climb out of the hole now. Maybe I can trust my feelings after all.

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