Tuesday 11 November 2008

what a turn around.....the story continues.....

D left me a message on my phone Saturday saying..... "I really would like to catch up" blah blah " so if your not busy give me a call but if you are busy still call me cos I like the sound of your voice!"

He thought I didn't have the kids but of course I did. However, he ended up coming around at about 9. We were having tea a mum and dad's and I needed to have a shower and quickly clean the house. What a lovely lovely night it was. We listen to music and talked and I got drunk. (didn't take much) And it was all nice. We kissed and cuddled. He ended up staying the night. This was a big call on my part. But in the end decided.

So in the morning he met the kids. I hardly got any sleep because the bugger snores like I don't know what!! We went for a walk down to the beach and then he took off home. He had told me he rang on the Saturday because he couldn't wait until the Monday night to see me again. Of course I just melted at that.

We did meet up Monday still. He picked me up at about 2ish and we went to Victor. Had a drink at the pub then a walk around granite island. Well I had a bit of a jog as I was in a bouncy mood. lol. We then found a lovely little secluded spot on some really big rocks near the water breaking and just laid down and talked. Then we went for a drive and got some chips etc for dinner. On the way home he took me to Hindmarsh Falls which I had never seen before. We also drove along the beach at Aldinga. Which was so funny. He put the car in 4wd and away we went. Except there were heaps of rocks so it got very bouncy. We ended up back here where we broke open a couple of breezers. (there was a reason I brought that carton after all.) I showed him my photos of Tasmania. He went there this year so he really wanted to see them. We talked and fooled around a bit and then he went home.

I went home early from work today because I was feeling yuk. I don't know what it is but I felt woozy, lightheaded, it was a chore to breathe and I got shaky. The sus thing was that D came into work just as I was leaving. All the guys got a good look which was funny. I am sure I will hear about it when I go back to work on Thursday. But he walked me to my car and gave me a hug. I ended up at the docs and had some blood tests taken. I feel a bit better now but not 100%. The doc thought it could be a virus as I had a bit of a red throat. Or I could be iron deficient again. Will know more on Monday.

So the thing with D and I. I don't know. He is very adamant that he is not wanting a relationship. I get that. However I am having a hard time working out the difference between the friendship and relationship at the moment. I get that he has to do the overseas thing with his dad. I also know he is not even a year out of his old relationship. But it is like i have known this guy forever. We are very similar in out personalities. And we just get on so well together. He keeps telling me when he gets back from England it is on. Not those words but close enough. He is also very respectful of my boundaries. Although in the heat of the moment he tries to push. But I guess in a way I would be disappointed if he didn't!

I like him. He likes me. I don't doubt that. For once in my life I don't doubt that. I do worry that will change and I need to try and let go of that. I am falling for him and in a way I don't want to. Time will tell as always where it goes but for now I am happy with what is happening. I am happy that he wants to spend time with me.

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