Sunday 7 December 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.... 7th December 08

We are putting the Christmas tree up and the kids have just started fighting. Oh yeah bring it on lol.

We have had a great day. Which really started last night. D came over last night. He brought the Patriot with him. We rearranged the couch, ordered pizza, drank and watch the movie. Not really my kind of movie but D liked the fact that he found out more about me by me watching it he said. Lol. That I am a sook and don't like the gory bits???

Anyway he stayed over and then today we went to Normanville to look at a van in a park he is thinking of buying down there. We had lunch and then took the kids to a playground. We sat in the car and watched them and talked. We then drove home via the Myponga reservoir. Which was nice. We also took his car down to the beach. We put the kids in the back of the ute and drove. They loved it.

D and the kids ganged up on me and the Christmas tree is being put up in the window. Not where I wanted it but oh well!!!!

So the down side of the time we spent together???? D has a date tonight. A woman off the dating site. Now I know he is only interested in friends. But I have spent the whole time with him making it appear that I don't give a rip. But in actual fact of course I do. What happens if this woman is wonderful? What happens if they get on like a house on fire? Well I know the answers. I move on and he wasn't the one for me. But it won't be that easy. He has actually told me that he doesn't want to go on anymore dates and this is the last one. Last night I asked if I could see her profile. Of course he let me and he is not talking to many people at all. I was surprised. I also said to him today oh I am not worried because I am the one. She won't be good as me. He just looked at me and said yeah I think you are right. I didn't say anything else and we just went on talking about other things.

So that aside all is good as always between us. I have Faylie back and he is totally allergic to her which is a pain. Doesn't help that Fay is mourning her kittens and is yelling all the time. I hate that so I know that D does as well. But he talks about him getting a house so that I can come over and he can cook for me. Just stuff like that. So I guess I just need to stop worrying. But that is hard. And I am worried about it. Arghhhhhhh I need to get confidence and self esteem.

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