Thursday 21 May 2009

Bright as a beet

Not much is happening really yet again. Boooorrring! lol

Last night at taekwondo I had another allergy thing going on. I got itchy hands and then my ears and my lips went all tingly. I took a tablet when I knew for sure it was happening. But it didn't really help. My nose blocked up, which has never happened before. I popped another tablet as we were leaving. I can't take two straight up or I would be asleep in five seconds. So by the time we got home I was out of it. I crawled straight into bed. It had traveled down to just below my knees by the time I did that and I was bright red. The worse thing is that when I woke up this morning I struggled and my eyes were still red and sore. It took until lunch time to start feeling better but even now I am struggling a bit with it. If it happens again I am going to have to go to the hospital as it does seem to be getting worse.

Mum is wondering if it is all stress related. I had to come home early yesterday to pick up Patrick because his behaviour warranted it. What with the cancer thing and everything that has been going on the last couple of weeks, it is hard to hold it all together.

Not much else is happening really. I had a training thing that I had to go with the store manager to. That was interesting. Well the drive in and back was. Lol. He told me that I am doing a great job etc etc which really made me feel good. He also told me that he wants me to learn payroll. (A job the service manager does) So that is a bit exciting.

The Qld thing is all happening. Must book the accommodation. (Will speak to you Raina about actually doing this lol) It was a toss up between two houses. Raina is really keen on a lovely split level place in Burleigh Heads. I like it as well. But the more I think about it the more I can't wait to sit by the pool watching the sea, passed all the night lights and just talk!!!! I am so looking forward to this. October seems so far away though.

That is it. I had better get dinner out of the oven so the kids have time to eat before taekwondo.

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