Saturday 23 May 2009

It is going down.......

I am hitting the 71's. I am a tad pleased about that!!!

Soccer today. Just taken Lachlan over to the school. They may actually win. They had scored 2 goals in the first half. I have come home now to kick the other two up the bum as Patrick has soccer over at McClaren Flat. It is a cup match so hopefully they will do well.

Later on I am taking the younger two to see Night at the Museum. Patrick isn't going because of his behaviour this week. I hope this works as I feel really guilty. But I have always said if this continues this won't happen etc etc but with the big stuff never done it. So now it is getting serious.

I was chatting to two guys last night and will probably be seeing both Monday. I have a date with one Monday night. S. And A says he is coming into work Monday morning. They are both very different guys and I am nervous as all get out as normal. S is a nice guy who is clean cut and a tad on the reserved side from what I can gather. A is a bit more out there but really nice. Bit of a dag. Bit rougher for the want of better words.

D has been in contact. Albeit just to forward funny emails to me. But least it means he is actually still talking to me. Who knows what will happen when he comes back. I miss him so much it hurts. So it is nice to know that we can still be friends. I guess that is why I am a worrying about these guys as well. I want something so bad I really want to meet someone and have what I had with D. Now I know it can happen. I fall so easily as well which just opens me up for heartache.

I thank Raina though. We have been talking so much and I know that if she wasn't around I would be feeling lonely and depressed all the time. It really is amazing what a good friend who is there for you can do. My life is so different from a year ago. Even with missing D and feeling that hurt. I am not back to where I was before I met him. I am thankful for that.

Qld is booked. I can't wait. Really really can't wait. It just seems so far away.

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