Tuesday 30 June 2009

the wonderfully, delicously warm fuzzy stuff

He misses me even when I go to just hang the washing out!
I wake up in the night to find his arms around me.
He holds me and tells me I am beautiful.
My kids, in no way, shape or form scare him off.
He makes me laugh with his silliness.
I do not have to pretend at all when I am around him.
He tells me I am sexy when I am in my flannel pjs!
He had flowers delivered to my work for me!
He is happy to just be near me but not necessarily doing the same thing.
He loves chick flicks.
He holds my hand while he drives. (when it is safe to do so lol)
He cooks a lovely lamb roast.
He holds my hand in public as well as putting his arms around me.
He is so very affectionate which is great because I love that.
He is down to earth and is just so easy to get along with.
He is a genuine guy who takes things as they come.
He is happy for me to dag it. ( as he does it as well)
He doesn't drink a huge amount.
He wants to show me off.
He has a great work ethic.
He is not a fighter and doesn't argue.
He pictures me in his future.
He is so calm and confident about us.
Nothing fazes him.
He wants to help me do things around my house. Like mow my lawns and clean out my shed.
He accepts that fact that I am insecure and time will sort that out.
He looks after me.
He opens my car door for me. Not all the time but a lot of the time.
He understands me.
He just accepts the fact I am in his life. No ifs, buts, I am here and he is hanging on to me. (that probably doesn't make sense to most but it does to me)
He totally spoils me rotten.
He still does all those things even after being together over 2 months.

I think I will add to this as things happen!

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