Tuesday 15 January 2008

A Contract

I signed a contract with Dan's today. I officially have 36 hours per week. I will get holidays and sick pay. I think my pay if I have looked at the EBA correctly is $576 per week. Before tax. Let me go and look at the tax tables. $496 per week. Looking at it like that it is such a pissy amount. But I should still get some Centrelink money. I still do at the moment. My rent will go down as well. I will work that out in a minute.

The only thing is I work every Saturday. Normally wouldn't bother me but I miss out on the kids sports. I will have to try and wangle different times sometimes so I can see them play.

So my hours will be Tuesday 9-3, Wednesday 8-4, Thursday 8-4, Friday 9-5 and Saturday 9-5. So considering I have kids they are good hours. I can drop the kids off to school and pick them up Tuesdays. Friday I can take them to school and the other days they can go to mum and dad's or OSCH. Either way it isn't for a long time. I can still take them to all their out of school stuff. I don't miss out on taekwondo and I can even go to the competition training on Thursdays. Yeah I am pleased with it.

I am moving Monday. I see my lawyer in the morning and then the movers come at 1. Not sure how I am paying for all of this but we shall see. I have an appointment with Housing SA Thursday to hopefully get a bond. Not holding my breath and I have put in my legal aid app but again not holding my breath. I went to the house after work and it is getting closer to being finished. I have only just gotten home and am going to bed in a tick. So the wet areas need to be done. All the doors and a vanish on the woodwork. The electrician can't come until Tuesday which is a pain. I won't have a stove until then but I will live. It was mainly him putting in some extra powerpoints that I wanted. Oh well. Least I will be in.

I am going to like it there I know I am. There is just so much more room. I can have a master bedroom instead of a little room. The air con is great but just the area being so close to the beach means a good sea breeze.I think I will try and google earth it and put the link here. Hold on. Oh bugger I can't do it. I probably could work it out if I had time but I can't I want to go to bed. Sorry.

Ok out of here.

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