Friday 25 January 2008

So much to do.........

Last time I moved house I had it all organised in a week because Greg was coming over the next weekend. Lol it was the second time I was to see him. Oh God this time it is awful. I just want to get it done but trying to fit it around three kids and work it is so hard. I am so tired it isn't funny.

However I love my new house. It is nice to have a big room. It is nice to have a big family area, nice to have a big dining area!! Of course there are little things that annoy me but all in all I love it. It will be nicer when everything is unpacked and away.

In regards to the Matt crap well that is not looking good. My lawyer seems to the think that the school thing is bad. He said because although I sent Matt a letter and Matt has made known the fact that he didn't want to the kids to change schools that I am in the wrong. I should have sought mediation etc. The thing is I left it in his court and he did nothing. The way I see it is that he should have done something. To me it is so logical. But apparently the courts won't see it like that. I am really ticked off. Because I did this there is a very high possibility that the kids have to return to their old school not the school that is across the road from my house!! To me it is in the best interests of the children to go to this school. It is closer and at the end of the day when I am at work the kids can still come back to this house and bring friends over while mum and dad are there. The kids have been spending a couple of days in vacation care and have loved it. They have made friends with people who are going to be in their class and are looking forward to starting the new school.

I think Ian tried to call me today but I was at work. I will try to call on Tuesday and make a time to go in, I assume to sign my affidavit. I have applied for legal aid but am not hopeful. I didn't get a bond from the housing trust so it is all going to be a costly experience again.

The good thing though, Matt is going for more time with the kids. Ian seems very positive that won't happen. I hope not. The school thing I would be upset about and it will be a pain in the butt travelling over 30 minutes to take the kids to a school when there is one across the street but to have Matt have more time with the kids will kill not only me but the kids as well. I can't remember if I was freaking out this much last time this all happened but I certainly am this time.

Please everyone just pray that nothing gets changed, the kids get to change schools and that it gets decided on the day and no interim orders done. My life was starting to look up this is just not fair. I am sick of all the knocks that keep coming my way.

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