Thursday 7 May 2009

And you think you know someone

So D goes to England on Sunday and I say bring it on. We are basically done. He has found a older, taller and sometimes I think a not so better looking person to replace me with. He told me I was getting to attached. Felt like a relationship so he pulled away......and took up with someone else! But telling her it is just friends.

Yes I am sure all you people out there are going. Oh I knew that would happen. Well frankly good on you. When you have walked in my shoes then maybe you will understand.

I was ok with us being friends but a couple of things have happened this week that have I think even cancelled that out. One being that I wanted to catch up again before he went but he kept changing the day and time and in the end I said just forget it it is to hard. He got really shitty at that. So I guess he is not fussed about being friends after all.

Yes I am hurting but I have moments of being ok. And those times will get more. I have trouble believe it isn't me. After being so rejected so many times it is hard to rally around that. I am working on it though. As a friend said, he made me cry. He isn't worth it. He was such a big part of my life, we were seeing each other all the time. And I mean all the time. Now that has gone.

I am going to survive. I always seem to. Although it is a struggle.

Raina has been a wonderful wonderful friend. We are organising our trip to the Gold Coast and I can't wait. I was worrying about going by myself. To be able to go with a good friend is just going to help keep me sane with my young kids as well as enable us to have an even better time.

I am really hoping to go visit Raina in July. Fingers crossed that I can do it. Mum and dad will be away. I will have to have my animals boarded. Which means vaccinations for them. (long story but due to studies after the initial vacs it has been found they don't actually need any more.) So I will have the costs of all that as well. I am going to try my hardest to make it happen though.

Better go. Kids have competition training for taekwondo tonight. Lachlan and I will hit the shops I think.

1 comment:

Raina said...

Hey Kate you are a great friend too!

I feel like doing something drastic to D for hurting you like this. What a jerk :(

I'm looking forward to the Gold Coast trip too! It should be GREAT!