Monday 10 August 2009

Happy but ripped off

A came home Saturday. This will be a little to much info but hey you can all stop reading. But I bet you don't!!! I met him at the door in new lingerie and high heels. So of course time was spent in the bedroom for a bit. We both missed each other so much. Especially for the latter part of the week he was at the gold mine and had no phone reception.

It was so nice to have him home. But I feel ripped off a bit that I didn't get all my weekend with him. Bless him He basically came straight here. Didn't unpack his car and only left my place today after about 12.30. The bugger went back to sleep after I left.

One thing he said to me though was that he wanted "this forever". I didn't really get what he meant. And he said "us, I want us forever" How lovely is that? He just blows me away with the things he says and the things he does. We have fun together and shit stir each other. Just being together, not doing things together but just being near each other is great. Walking around the shop yesterday he put his arm around me and pulled me close and whispered in my ear how deeply he was falling for me. Just out of the blue, walking around a shop! I have just never encountered this before and it really does just blow me away.

There is a downside is I miss him when he is gone. This week I probably won't see him until Friday or Saturday because it looks like he is working nights. Anyway he is wonderful. He makes me feel so special and beautiful and constantly tells me how sexy I am. Regardless of what I am wearing. I am often in my flannelette pjs watching TV at night. He doesn't care. He will just cuddle me and tell me how much he loves being with me.

Yeah ok. You can all stop throwing up now. I will stop.

So after ending up with 3 days off work last week, I am off tomorrow as well now. Lachlan now has this stupid flu thing. I am so over it. I have my operation next week and I swear I am out of sick leave. Don't know what I will do. I do hate having the time off work because no one else really knows how to do my job.

OH well I has better go and get dinner I guess. No taewkondo tonight because of Lachlan so for once I am cooking a half decent meal with vegetables to no less!

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