Monday 24 August 2009

Sick of being sick

I have the flu again. I feel so disgusting it is not funny. Last night I was at A's and I was a mess. I had a fever, headache and aches and pains. A was wonderful as normal. Getting cold flannels to put on my forehead. He had cooked a roast and although I had some I couldn't eat it all. But it was so yummy.

So I had my operation on Thursday. All went well, aside for me freaking out. I also took a long time to come out of the anesthetic, same as last time. A waited until I went in and then came back when it was done. It was only day surgery so it was quick. I will say it again. A was wonderful, looking after me. He even brought the washing in and folded it all for me.

Friday we went to the central market again. It was really good but I got worn out really quickly. It was good to come home and cuddle up with him and eat all our food we brought and watch a movie.

Saturday night we went to the casino for one of A's friends birthday. 5 of us all went down in the one car. It was a nice night. We had dinner. I met a few more of A's friends. And had him making comments in response to one of the other guys talking about his current girlfriend. A made the comment along the lines of the guy must have second best because A had the best looking girlfriend. I am pretty sure I went bright red. But it was so nice to hear that.

After dinner we went to the night club area. M a friend of A's had a nose bleed, so I went with her to the loo's to help her. She had had it operated on earlier in the week. Long story short it didn't stop bleeding. So A, S (A's house mate) and myself took her to the hospital. We were there from about 1 am until 7am. It wasn't to bad as we all just kept laughing at stupid things.

When we finally left we stopped at Macs and got breakfast then home to bed. So tired. Then of course when we got up about 4pm I started going down hill from there.

My glands are up so much they are causing me a great deal of pain. All I want to do it go to sleep but of course with three kids I can't do that.

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