Wednesday 23 September 2009

Bits and Pieces

So I am having a boys night! How funny is that? J from work is on holidays at the moment. Anyway we have organised for me to get totally drunk. He has never seen me drunk and also I said I have never been that drunk that I have lost control, passed out or forgotten what I did while drunk. So the challenge is on. Lol. The boys will lose.

I have mentioned that I am a bit pissed off with people at work and the gossip. If I was a guy, my friendship with J wouldn't matter but because I am female there is so much crap attached to it. I hate it. J and a couple of others have been great. A good distraction.

On the work front in regards to the promotion I have more information. I spoke to the manager today about other things and it came up about me. He said he spoke to the area manager today and I am on the shortlist. He also said that if I got it I would more than likely stay at the store I am at now!!! Area manager did say that I must realise though that I would have to move at some stage. But the store manager went into bat for me saying that yes she does but with her young kids etc etc. I said to store manager that I thought they didn't promote in store. He said that it has happened a couple of times. My suggestion was that I boss enough people around that no one would notice a difference. Store manager laughed and said yeah that is what he thought as well!!!

Out of no where A txt me today. "hey there hows things, finally in an area with reception, moving on to another small town now with no coverage, so I thought I'd say hi sweet. Take care and ill chat soon" Now there is nothing to read into calling me sweet as he calls many people that. That is just him. But the fact that he has contacted me is a big thing for me. It means that even if he does not want to be in a relationship he does at least want me in his life still. I like that idea.

So I am going to have the boys night Friday. I am going to a party with M (Adam's friend) on Saturday night. Monday I am having a girly day with Jane. Movies, window shopping or the like. I am supposed to be catching up with K and then also G at some point as well. So hopefully that will fill my week enough that I am not sitting around feeling sorry for myself to much.

Qld is coming up quick. I am going to have to start working out with the kids are taking in clothes and what clothes I need to buy them. I need some new shoes to take as well. I only have thongs for summer. I think I need more than that. Really can't wait to catch up with Raina again. It is going to be great.

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