Saturday 5 January 2008

And down the guggler we go again.

Just when you think yeah things are ok, shit happens.

I am going back to court. 4/2. Matt is taking me back to court about the kids changing schools. I have no paperwork yet but it is coming. The kids told me and then I thought stuff it I will ring. More on that in a tick.

Background: Can't remember what I have said. But I am moving and it is very very close to a school. I am only moving 10 minutes further away from where I am now. I wrote Matt a letter in August saying I was moving and wanted the kids to change schools. I laid out why etc and that if he could get back to me with his objections so that we could sort things out. Of course he never got back to me. Just sent me a 10 page letter full of crap with one line about the school saying "did not think they should change schools". So only early last term I enrolled them in the school.

When I rang him today I found out he is representing himself. "oh I don't think there will be any need for a lawyer" I asked him why he didn't do all this months ago and he said he told me that he didn't want them to go to the school. I told him that is stating a fact and that it needed negotiation. He dribble on some more and finally said you are going to have to explain myself. I asked explain what and he said the video. Of course I have no idea what that was and said as such. "the video of you humping some guy in a limo you slut" and then hung up. It is nice to know that I know this is not true. That it is just total crap. But it is scary as he believes the stories he makes up. He believes them so much that I worry he will convince others.

I know I have a fairly good case here. Especially given that he is representing himself. But I am still scared. Still stressed and still worried. I don't need this. I don't need the cost. (oh that has given me a thought I may ask my lawyer to go for costs.) I just don't need this. I also don't have time for it. I am struggling with my studies, work and housework. I now have to find time to see Ian and get to together everything that has been building up since we were in court last.

Fingers crossed that when we get there it goes my way. That he gets his time reduced. (that is what else he is going for, more time so I will fight that)But I know what crap he will trot out and that scares me.

ok moving on. Putting Chloe down was hard. Awful in fact. But she is now out at Karen's and free from pain. Poor Brinkley is a bit lost. Hey I am as well. I miss her.

It is so bloody hot here. 38 it got to today. And next week it is back up to 41. I can't wait to move because of the air con.


Tracey said...

Kate was he such a knob head when you met and married him??? I hope the judge reads right through him.
I am so sorry about Chloe. It is such a hard call to make. If your feelign flash one day go buy the book called Marley and Me. you will love it.

Just me and the three said...

yeah I think he was Tracey I just didn't see it or didn't want to see it. I guess that is why I left in the end.

I googled that book. I am going to have to get it. Snowflake in my hand is a good one. About cats though. Very very sad though. I always cry no matter how many times I read it.