Saturday 9 June 2007

A day in the life of.....

Fairly quiet today which is nice. Patrick turned 10 yesterday. How scary is that?? Earlier in the week we had the whole cake and present thing as mum and dad were here so it was fairly quiet affair yesterday. He got some money in the mail so we had to go spend that. (Nintendo games)

Mum and dad's furniture arrived Thursday. They are back tomorrow night and the rest of the furniture will arrive next week. Monday being a public holiday and all we see us organising their house. The lounge room is filled with boxes and stuff is everywhere. I did put their bed together and organise their bedroom a bit so they had one room they could say was done. (sort of)

Tuesday I am joining the gym again. I can't afford it. (going to pay fortnightly) but I can't afford not to. It is messing with my head not going. I am feeling tired all the time. My eating is crap. I need to get into it again. Even if I have to take it easy with my calf. Which is a bit better but I am going to have to take it easy for a while.

My tooth settled down as well which is fantastic. I ran the dental place and I can ring them again if needed despite the fact I canceled this time.

Was talking to G the other day and I said that I missed what we had. Not so much with him but just the being with someone. He made the comment that things were better between us now and we talked more. Lol I laughed and said well I never felt that so it must just be you. So I think we can safely that that part of our lives is over. Even though things aren't 100% with his girl. They have decided to be friends for a while. Who knows what will happen but I look forward to the next installment. Lol.

J and I have settled for a bit. I must say I don't feel as messed up now we are talking again as much as we were before. He told me I was his soul mate and that he always thinks that we are good and it will work out. So from that I think he takes me a bit for granted. Anyway see what happens. I am on his case.

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