Thursday 21 June 2007

knock knock anyone there

Honestly I can be so thick sometimes. I saw G today for my PT session. It was awful. My fitness level has dropped. I felt sick and like I was going to pass out. He quizzed what I had eaten and when I told him he gave the whole "well what do you expect" look. I hadn't been at the gym since last week and G is right. I can still do stuff even with my calf being sore. So back into it today. I just did cardio but certainly got up a sweat. Tomorrow I will do my weights and now I have a way of doing lunges without putting pressure on my calf so it is all good. I do not have to miss anything out now.

I didn't do taekwondo this week. Shit that was hard. I did do my forms but that was it. Grading in a couple of weeks. Already I am getting nervous.

Hey G indicated that he is looking forward to meeting my parents. It came out of the blue as I was about to leave the gym. I said to him that I hadn't met his mum and he went oh yeah. May have to look into that! lol It just threw me that is all.

I haven't spoken to J since Friday. That hurts. He is not prepared to fight for me. He is just prepared to let me go. Yes I know I have been down this road before. It is easier this time so I think, well hopefully, he will wonder that perhaps this time he pushed a little to hard?

I just compare him to G. He and I have a great relationship. Who would have thought after the whole FB thing we had going that we could just drop that and pretend it didn't even happen. G is prepared to have me for a friend. J isn't even prepared to do that. He can't even meet me. That hurts big time especially after we had been talking for 2 years. Hurts like nothing else.

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