Thursday 28 June 2007

well well well

Been a bit slack but quite a bit has happened. J contacted me last Friday with a txt saying why wasn't I talking to him. I told him it was because I deserved and wanted more than he was giving me. It went back and forth for a while. Then he rang me. I basically told him unless he came up with a date and time and followed through I was not going to talk to him. Then hung up. Two hours later I got a date and time. Now I know you are all saying hasn't this happened before. Well yes it has. But I set the conditions and now I just have to wait and see. the 14th is THE DATE. It was sweet of him because it is really hard to find a date where we are both free because of the kids. I do have my kids that day but he thought I didn't. It is school holidays so I will have them that day but they are having their first sleep over at mum and dad's so they are excited by that. OF course it may not happen but we shall see.

Saturday night I went out to my Aunty's house for tea. It was a family do as mum and dad were there etc. ON the way home I had a car accident. A guy ran a red light and I ploughed straight into him. Luckily my light had been red so when it turned green I had only just taken off so wasn't going very fast. The front bumper and bull bar of my car is totally dead with each side panel being damaged as well as the bonnet. (which I can't open as the bull bar has bent over it). The other guy has no insurance. Which is good in a way as it means my insurance company has no other insurance company to fight with, and I don't have to pay an excess as I didn't contribute to the accident. If he had insurance they would say I contributed by the simple fact I was on the road. It is getting fixed in a couple of weeks. Poor Laura though. She was holding fruit salad that of course ended up of all over her and her beanie kids. She was devastated. Mum and dad washed them though and they came up great.

Had my PT session yesterday. So much better than the week before. I still need to improve though and am working on it.

Grading is next week. My calf had been so much better until last night. I got into it a bit to much again last night and it has started hurting again. It had been really good until then. So back to resting it again. Pissed off. Once grading is done I have a break from taekwondo and I think that will help.

I think that is it really. Just hanging in there doing my stuff. Still nothing from the cops. If I knew it was going to take this long I would have put in my application months ago. Never mind.

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