Friday 1 June 2007

the time has come

Finally mum and dad are here tonight. Strangely though I am feeling down. It is 7.30 and I am still waiting. They have had a nightmare of a trip and they thought they would be here long before now. I am sure once they are here I will be fine but I have been making up beds as they have to stay here for a few days and I am begrudging them my bed lol. I am selfish. I love my bed. I am sleeping in Lachlan's bed. No electric blanket and no flannelet sheets!! It is going to be great having them here but life is going to be topsy turvey for a while I think.

My tooth is still sore. For some reason it is worse through the night and first thing in the morning. Throughout the day I think yeah I can weather this but then in the morning I think no I can't. My appointment is on Monday so I will see how it progresses over the weekend.

So with mum and dad here no sleep in for me. (a no kid weekend) Instead I will be helping dad. It is all a pain in the bum and like them no doubt it would be good if everything could just be done at the snap of the fingers. Oh well give it a couple of months and we shall see what the new kind of normal will be for us.

I popped the your lease is not going to renewed letter into the tenants letterbox today. Now the tenancy officer and myself are just waiting for the shit to hit the fan. Watch out for the fireworks as I am sure they will be visible to all.

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