Thursday 14 June 2007

I am not alone

I have been reading another blog. This woman is having hassles with a guy. I am reading it and going ditch him girl. Then I realised I was reading about me lol!!! Honestly it is nice to know I am not alone in my behaviour when it comes to some men.

Had my PT session yesterday with G. He took one look at the bruises on my calf and said you torn a muscle. Fan bloody tastic. So I have to pretend I don't have a leg for 3 weeks. So that is one week down already. No running etc. We did heaps of other stuff though. I can still do squats but no lunges. (shit I will I manage no lunges lol) I could also do the leg press which amazingly I had 100kgs on it.

Had taekwondo after that. I made myself sit out of free sparring. Damn that killed me. I so wanted to do it. But I took the whole night very carefully. I so want this calf to heal up well so even though it isn't hurting doing normal stuff I am not taking any chances for the next couple of weeks.

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