Tuesday 12 June 2007

In the Blink of an eye....

Men. Do I need to say more? Yeah yeah I know how many times does it happen. He is driving me insane with his non committal to me. And how sad is that? I am talking about meeting here not marriage, not living together, not exchanging bodily fluids!!

Moving on..... Joined the gym again today. Really can't afford it but it is so messing with my head that I haven't been going. I didn't do much today. Just 15mins walking on the treadmill and then 15 mins on the bike. I could feel my calf while I was on the bike but it settled down so that was good. Taekwondo tonight. I want to go. Probably shouldn't but I am going, I will just take it very very easy and as soon as I can "feel" it I will stop what I am doing.

So mum and dad are really really here now. They have to go back to Vic later this week just an over night trip. Then that is it for a while. The kids are so pleased to have them here. To the point that Patrick actually of his own free will went up to them for a hug when we left their house tonight. Shit you could have knocked me over with a feather!!

So all in all I am not to bad. I see G again tomorrow for my PT session. I will talk to him about my leg. See what he thinks. I am not shouting that life is great from the top of the trees but I am feeling better than I was a week or so ago.

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