Thursday 13 March 2008

Just checking in.......

Not much happening here really. It is just to bloody hot. We are up to about day 11 of it being over 36. I have lost count. Who cares. It has all just run into one another now. It is foul. I am thankful for my air con. But times like these I wish I didn't work. Work is air con but even so at the end of the day I still have to go out in it. Get in a hot car and come home. Whereas if I didn't work I could just stay home in the air con house and just walk past one house at school time and get the kids.

But that is not my life. Lol. Work it good. I have taken it upon myself not to be stuck on my register all day for 8 hours. Another guy there has been great in jumping on register every now and then so I can go off and do stuff. I told him I will do his ordering for him as well so that helps.

I still haven't broken anything but they guys at work are saying I have now and boy was it a gooden!!

This guy came up with 12 cartons of beer stacked on his trolley. Our trolleys are front wheel drive and are complete bastards to use. As he was pushing his trolley out he didn't swing wide enough and he hit the the counter. 10 of those cartons when crashing down. What a mess. I saw it about to happen and managed to stop some of them falling to hard and breaking but shit it was a mess. Very hard to clean up as well, trying to get the undamaged bottles out of soggy cardboard surrounded by broken glass. It took a while and it clogged up the exit so that we had to have someone standing at the in gates to get them open so that they could get out. So that was my excitement for the day!!

I am going out for lunch with two of the girls from work on Monday. It is going to be good. Keri is my age, a year younger I think, and Laura is 27, married with a baby. It should be good. There is another Kate there that is very friendly with Laura and Keri but she isn't invited. Seems that Laura is having trouble on the home front and Kate is only 19 and acts it sometimes lol. She just doesn't get the whole long term relationship, kids, marriage thing yet. Which is fair enough. So poor girl doesn't even know it is on and I think may feel hurt if she did. But Keri made my day when she invited me.

Especially after the Rachel crap. I spoke to her on msn the other night. More of the same. "Oh this guy just won't leave me alone. I may have to throw him away. He txt me all the time and just doesn't get that I don't want to answer all the time." I just find her so insensitive to other people. She knows how I feel. "oh you should go on RSVP" I have been on there for months Rachel. No response to that. Perhaps I am being over sensitive but really this is Rachel. She will crash at some point and I will be her best friend again. Still no mention of her coming to see the new house. No questions about work. Nada!

Looking forward to this Sunday. No kids. NO work just full on homework. I am not leaving the house. Well other than to go for a walk maybe at 6 in the morning when it is cool. I want to check out another part of the beach. It is near the Star of Greece cafe which is very popular. Lots of celebs go there apparently. I vaguely remember rove and Belinda going there once. But anyway it isn't to far from my house so should be a nice walk and I think the beach is better than the one I have been walking to. Just have to find out how long it takes.

Well I am off to water my poor plants then off to bed. I am very tired. This hot weather I am sure is to blame. I am managed to do my dishes but that is as far as the cleaning has gone.

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