Monday 31 March 2008

A screaming cat and a howling puppy.....

Sounds great doesn't it? Faylie is calling. And oh my gosh is she calling. She is awful. For the last three nights she has been shut in the laundry. Dad is putting her on the pill for the time being until he gets the cat runs built and she can then go and spend time with her boyfriend.

Violet is sleeping through the night now which is great. She has though a nasty habit of sitting out the back door howling to be let in at times. I don't want her sometimes so she needs to learn that howling gets her no where! Bit like Lachlan with his whinging lol.

Violet is a sweety though. Very cute. So glad she is sleeping through though so I don't have to go and stand outside in the middle of the night while she pees!!

Patrick had his CAMHS appointment today. The guy said I am on the right track I just need to fine tune what I am doing. So we have a plan. It seems good. Lets hope it works. It is just a chart listing annoying things and then unacceptable things, the consequences to those unacceptable things and influences. (like if you are good for 1 day then this happens etc) I need to put on there how many warnings they get. So hitting someone gets no warnings and so on. Later when we deal with the unacceptable things the annoying things get bumped over. It makes sense to me. Will see how we go.

Not much else is really happening. Really miss exercising. I am trying to go for a run down to the beach as much as I can but that is hard because of the kids. I am doing taekwondo at least once a week but it doesn't feel enough. Mind you I have to get my eating under control. That would help so much. I just need to be more disciplined. I was supposed to see G today and I was going to get him on my back about it. (in the non sexual sense) but I didn't see him. So yet again I try again tomorrow to eat sensibly and not like someone who is never going to see food again.

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