Saturday 10 May 2008

A bit of a mixed bag.

My rant turn out so long that I decided to do another one for all the stuff I didn't put in because I was ranting.

I have to get this down because it was so funny. Last night at mum and dad's after I finished work, Laura asked for something to eat. Mum and I said no because it was nearly dinner time. She then said I need to get something out of my bag, which was in my car, so I gave her the keys and off she went. She was gone a while and I could hear a bag rattle but didn't really thing much of it. She came back in and it was very odd. Mum and I thought she had gone out to the car to get some leftover food out of her lunch box. No no she insisted. Well what were you doing? "Oh I got some cat hair off the lounge and put it in the plastic bag so I can take it to school for show and tell!" what the????? We quizzed her some more and it was so weird and we were convinced that she had snuck food. We let it go but weren't happy.

She went out to help dad. Dad came back in a little while later and said Laura had been doing mother day stuff. Mum and I dissolved. Poor kid she really really needs to come up with quicker stories. But she tried hard. Mum and I kept heckling her saying oh here is some cat hair. Lol. She of course doesn't know that we know what she was really doing!! It was so funny.

Laura and Patrick played soccer today. Thank god it was at their school and although both at the same time, I positioned myself so I could see both games! Both lost but they played well. Especially Laura as it was her first game. She got right in there and was encouraging all the other players.

Found out that the senior players were short of players and they picked Patrick to play on their team. He should be in the under 11's and he is in the senior team. OMG boy is the senior team full on in comparison to the younger grades. He is a bit disappointed that when he plays his old school it won't be against his old team but I am sure he will live. His coach is great. I am very happy that Patrick has him for a coach. I was talking to him afterwards about the fact that shit for brains will more than likely not take Patrick to every game especially now Laura is playing and we have to be in two places at the same time. He said he can always take Patrick. I think he will talk to shit head and work something out. Fingers crossed anyway. But that aside he is great with the kids. He grabbed Patrick around the neck like guys do and told me what a good kid he is and he picked up Lachlan and quizzed him about playing soccer. Yet he disciplines the kids when he needs to. He as the boundaries clearly drawn. He was kinda cute as well, wonder if he is single lol!

Now that Lachlan is off his training wheels and going well we biked to mum and dad's today. It was really good. I went on the road with the kids on the footpath. Although there was a bit where we were all on the road. That was scary for me. Only because I can't protect all of them at the same time. At one point the older two were on the footpath made of grass but Lachlan found it to hard a going so I got him on the road. He rode between the gutter an myself. But with all three of them on the road I couldn't do it for all. It was 2.5kms and we did it in just under 15 minutes so that was pretty good. It was nice to do some exercise again even if I didn't even break a sweat and that is coming from the sweat queen.

My infections/cold is on the way out. I have started my second round of antibiotics and I am still using the puffer. But i have only blown my nose once today. How is that for progress lol. I have enjoyed my day off today and it is nice to know that I have another 2 days to go before I have to go back to work. Which I still love but hey who wouldn't rather be at home????

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