Monday 5 May 2008

The green globby monster

So I went to the doc who after listening to my chest and back asked if I had asthma! Having never ever had it he said ok well you don't have it now but wow you are crackly all over! Great. I have a nice big bacterial infection. Luckily not my ear but it is looking yuk though. I am on a puffer to clear my chest and antibiotics. I called in sick for my shift today. I felt really guilty about it yesterday as I felt a bit better after using the puffer. Today I feel rat shit again, so glad I didn't go in after all. I did however sleep heaps better last night. Still woke up but so much better than I have been.

I txt Patrick yesterday to find out if Matt had taken him to soccer. He had. Thank god. Patrick's team won. I am so pleased. He doesn't really know anyone in his soccer team because basically they are all older than him. He is in grade 5 at school and yet in the senior team of soccer!! He has basically skipped a grade of soccer. I am so proud of him. After playing all those games at the other school and not winning I bet he was pretty happy as well!!

Ok back to the couch for me. I tried to sleep earlier but couldn't so I will go back to sitting on the couch watching movies. I watched 3 yesterday!! I have to pick the kids up at 3 and then we have to do the shopping so I figure I will conserve energy while I can. The house looks like a tip but for once I am looking after myself.

Oh and B txt saying had he done something wrong!!!! Well yeah mate you had. I told him. He said sorry. I told him I had been treated pretty crappy by some guys and refuse to put up with it again. I know what I want and I will not settle for less. Lol lets see what happens now.

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