Tuesday 23 June 2009


Busy busy busy. I have been flat out lately. With mum and dad going away and then dad's birthday party I have been helping them out heaps. I am hoping now things will settle back down.

So things with A are moving along nicely. Slow in many ways and bloody fast in others lol. I don't know how to slow the fast bits down but oh well. He met the kids last week. I called into his place after work and found out that he wasn't working at all so he came back to my place for dinner. Of course the kids were there. It seemed all ok.

I met his mum on Friday!!! Yeah I know. She actually lives in QLD and surprised him by showing up on Tuesday. She went home Saturday so I ended up meeting her and her sister for a hot choc. (A was there as well) Of course she has already come into Dan's and sussed me out. But it was funny though because I guessed it was her!!

A cooked me dinner last night. Spag bog. Geez it was so nice. Really really yummy.

So the interesting gossip. D flew back in yesterday. Today he came into work. Just as I was about to leave. He knows my hours so he had it planned. He looked good, short but good. I do find him attractive. And much more attractive that A. That bothers me. But I don't want D back I really don't. Nothing had changed really. I am sure if I put forth a getting together he would have jumped on it. He is back on the dating site again. I feel for the other girl he hooked up with just before he went away.

But it was good to see him again and I think we will be friends. But that is all it will be as I am not attracted to him in that way anymore. His looks are great but his heart sucks!! He told me he met someone over there blah blah so really nothing has changed.

I have my surgery on Thursday. Kate from work is taking me and A is picking me up because mum and dad go away for 10 weeks tomorrow. A is staying with me as well because I have to have a responsible adult with me for 24 hours. lol. I don't have the kids this weekend so we are spending the weekend together. We are going to see the new transformers movie and he is going my breaks. I enjoy spending time with him and he makes me smile so much. He just treats me so well and wants to be with me and the kids. He blows me away with how keen he is. But it doesn't scare me anymore. He is encouraging the slow going because he knows that is what I want. And really he is happy for it as well.

P got suspended from school Friday. So he has yesterday off school. He told a teacher to F off. Great just great. I was a bit worried it was all tied up with them meeting A but after talking to him I don't think it is. He says he wants me to be with A if it makes me happy. So that was nice to hear. He just needs to control his anger. He is so much like his dad. I guess we just keep working on it.

October and the QLD trip is getting closer. I am getting so excited about it. I can't wait. To catch up with Raina again. To just relax and watch the kids having fun and enjoying themselves. I just can't wait.

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